Chapter 47-Frostfall Raid

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Raid Boss Room

"Damn, that's actually kind of scary," I admit.

"Yes, I agree," Cecelia says.

"It's funny that they have noobs fighting this stuff. Imagine what they can do with gods," Havanna adds.

"You guys ready to do this?" Alo asks.

"Let's do it."

"Hey hold it," I say as everyone steps forward to run.

"What?" Sess asks pulling the reins back to his armored unicorn.

"No OP attacks. That means you Havanna and Mack. We all want a chance to fight," I say strictly.

"I'm gonna use tier four and lower," Havanna refutes.

"Whatever you say, Ben," Mack shrugs.

"Good enough. Engage!" I yell.

We all charge forward. Sess takes the first strike, charging on his war unicorn.

The raid boss is a 30-foot demonic snowman. Its eyes are glowing yellow and its mouth is a giant oven with sharp teeth. Its arms are covered in tree roots like sleeves. There are branches, bones, and human skulls sticking out of its body. It wears a Santa hat, scarf, and black rain boots on its feet.

I like the change of the room. The pine trees have no needles but decorated with Christmas lights. The sky has turned from a clear blue to a very cloudy orange.

"Hot Spear!" Sess yells. He rides close to the snowman and impales it in the leg, burning a hole deep into the snowman's side.

I jump in the air. "Poison Edge!" I yell. I slice the snowman's torso, releasing the poison into the body. The golem leans back as it takes continual damage from the Poison debuff, but then leans forward with its mouth wide open. A large orange fire shoots out towards me.

"This thing breathes fire?" I yell raising my shield above me to block the sauna.

Margot comes around the side and fires a laser beam that passes right through the beast.

The snowman brings a mighty fist down upon the Earth. An avalanche explodes outwards towards us. I high-jump over the tidal wave while Mack evaporates the whole thing with one pulse of fire.

"I'm going in!" Pranav cheers. He twirls his scythe while sprinting towards the fire-breathing snowman in a zigzag motion as it tracks him. "Corruption!" he yells leaping forward. In reverse grip, he swings upwards, right into the beast's belly.

The snowman turns from a dirty white to a purple-ish hue, and its mouth glows a bright purple, as with its eyes. The monster roars wildly, breathing purple flames into the air, as the dark magic takes over its body. Badass.

"Now's the chance to attack it!" Pranav yells to us.

Cecelia charges up her glaive with sun magic. "Angel Javelin!" she cries, heaving the spear. It travels like a bullet, lodges in the snowman's chest, then explodes in sun magic energy. The monster is knocked onto its back and roars in anger at 84x health. Cece sprints forward to retrieve her spear. "Blinding sun!" she yells standing on the monster. Out of her hand comes sunlight, which delivers a Blindness debuff.

"Renisus!" Havanna yells. A small brown magic circle appears and casts off a hard-hitting repulsive strike. The snowman has none of it. It rears its elbow back, then punches the invisible wave causing an ice explosion.

"Its intelligence has risen! First transformation," Scotty warns. Every boss in dungeons undergoes two transformations at 66% of health and 33% of health.

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