Chapter 59-Home

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My prayers seem to be answered immediately. The world begins falling apart piece by piece, wall by wall, everything comes down. In the back is cyberspace. Just numbers and symbols.

The world shakes violently as it disintegrates.

I look at my friends.

"I'll see you guys on the other side," I say. They nod in acknowledgment.

The water turns into cyberspace, the beach turns into cyberspace, our ships, the rock walls, until, there is nothing but it. We are floating in cyberspace. My visuals get brighter and brighter until I can't see anything but white.


I open my eyes. I'm still in my battle armor. And wet.

"What. The. F-" I scream in rage. Cries and rage breaks out from the other 500 fighters.

We have not left. We find ourselves in another god room; a dead end of a cave with a waterfall emptying into a stream leading to see the light at the end of the tunnel ahead.

I can't control my emotions and begin to angrily weep. I'll admit, in the beginning, I wasn't too sure about being a father. I mean, the responsibility and time it would take away from my job. I was just being a coward to change. Now, when change and responsibility fell upon me, I had to step up. Being here makes me realize what a coward I've been.

Familiar laughter echoes the walls of the cave.

"I'M BAAAAACK," the Gamemaster sings.

I punch the ground as hard as I can in rage. "SHOW YOURSELF!" I scream.

"YOU WANT TO SEE ME? HERE I AM," the Gamemaster booms.

Scotty emerges from the water.

My body loses all sense of mobility and I drop to my knees. What?

"What's wrong Ben? You seem shocked," Scotty says.

"Scotty," Essej says with his voice barely working. "What is this?"

"Come on guys. I'm the gamemaster. Isn't it obvious?"

"Scotty, why? Like, what are you talking about?" Rachel cries.

Scotty laughs. "Finally! Someone asked! Get this right? It all started one day when I lost my legs and face in a crash when I was a kid. Lost all my friends and became what people called a crippled loser freak all the way through high school. My only escape was this world. This wonderful world that my parents helped create. In the fantasy world, the crippled loser freak was a hero, but a hereditary cyber genius in the real world. Soon though, like everyone else in the real world, everyone turned on the crippled loser freak and I became nothing more and nothing else. It was worse in the real world as I was bullied into severe depression five times. Every time, I came back, they tried to control me. Make me exterminate myself. I would think of it time to time, but I wouldn't because I was stronger than they were! I have a purpose in this world! I'm a genius! COULDN'T AND WOULDN'T GIVE UP AND DIE! I just decided hey, why not control these sheep called humans in another world if the crippled loser can't do it here? So first, I killed Scotty, then my parents, accessed the files to the game, hacked it in an hour, and took over. That's the gist of it," Scotty chuckles.

"You are sick," Cecelia snarls.

"I'm perfectly fine. And perfectly in control. Everyone here is under my control," Scotty sings laughing.

"So all the memories we made. All the fun we had. Was that all fake?" Sess snarls.

Scotty laughs hysterically. "You guys are so naïve! I love how I toyed with you sheep so easily. After a while, it was just to see how far "Scotty" could go. He somehow came back and tried to take over, but I'm glad I killed him in time for this."

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