Chapter 08-Ice Dragon

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May 4th, 2301

I sent 70 of us home to train and boost other players like we did for them. The 20 of the most elite fighters stayed. All Gem-ranks now, we are going to kill our first demigod: The Ice Dragon.

Thanks to our Beast Whisperer scouts, we know where the dragon's lair is. With tier 7 teleportation magic, the 30 of us are able to be transported directly to the mountaintop where the dragon sleeps. A text appears in front of me.

Ice Dragon Demigod. Do you wish to proceed with your party? I accept the quest.

"Same tactic," I remind. With new abilities and armor, we are a deadly force. I can't say that I'm not excited to use this new class. We took the nights to learn what our abilities are and master our new weapons. I had to take the extra mile to learn what everyone else can do, as the raid group's tactician.

Margot and two other Snipers charge their canons—which look and are held like miniguns, except with a steampunk design. Their muzzles grow bright, supercharged with enchanted energy. Simultaneously, they release but he dragon's tail lifts and swats the beams. The beast opens both eyes and stares into us, gets up, and ROOOOOOOOAAAARRRRR! We can feel its icy breath freeze any exposed portion of our bodies.

Mack scoffs. "I've got this!" He forms two fireballs the size of beach balls in the palms of his hands then hurls them at the dragon. The fireballs turn to steam on the dragon's steel scales. We're up for a serious fight.

"Wizards, make a blinding light spell. Snipers give cover fire. Mack, get the biggest fireball you can without completely draining your mana. The rest of you guys, give it all you got!" I order spontaneously.

The three Wizards, with their huge spell books, begin reciting the enchantment. "Oblinere Vibratio Lucis!"

Three magic circles appear and are shot out towards the dragon. It screeches and roars as it can't see a thing so we take the opportunity to move in. I swing my giant greatsword and inflict major damage upon the dragon. As we attack, Mack is in the process of creating a giant fireball while Alo and Havanna spam MP restoration spells upon him. I angrily slash and slash and slash at the dragon's torso, building up my attack points.

Mack's fireball grows 50 feet in diameter, like the sun in the cosmos. He hurls it, falls unconscious, and his HP suddenly begins to drain. All three of the Paladins spam healing spells, but it won't stop rapidly depleting. "He's dying!" Alo yells.

When the miniature sun makes contact, it literally explodes on impact. We shield our eyes from the bright light. The dragon is sent hurtling back, rolling, as if struck by a train. When the light fades, we look at its health bar floating above its head. It still has 79/100 health bars! Mack's attack did nothing!

Usual bosses in quests have 10 bars of HP which translates to 10,000 individual health points. If you know your math: one bar of HP=1,000 individual health points. Obsidian-rank raid bosses have 50 bars. Demigods have 100. We're all assuming gods have 1,000. With all that said, everyone below Gem-rank has one bar of health, but Gems are granted an extra bar.

"It's invulnerable to fire damage!" one of our guys realizes. No wonder it didn't take any damage from Mack.

"Whisperers! Keep it busy!" I yell. Sess comes in with his new lance on his white tiger and jousts the disoriented dragon like a gallant medieval knight. The other Beast Whisperers aids him; one on a polar bear and the other on an ice wolf.

"He's stable!" Alo reports. Mack has stopped taking damage, but he's still unconscious. I've never seen anything like that in the game or from Mack. It was literally so big that it almost killed him. He needs to master his skills first and stop being so cocky.

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