Chapter 35-Hekatonkheires

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"FIRE EVERYTHING!" I scream at the top of my lungs. Everyone on a boat jumps on a harpoon and begins firing. Hundreds of Wizards, Snipers, Sorcerers, and Priests begin firing projectiles and spells at the colossal beast with 100x health. It's not technically a demigod, but we're not going to progress if we don't beat it.

"Keep firing!" I urge. This has to be the biggest thing in the game. It raises a giant arm, wielding a giant sword. People are going to die now.

With extreme speed, a fist comes down. Its sword slices through five boats, turning them into scrap wood. All aboard are killed instantly.

It picks its sword out of the water, raises its fist and strikes the water near us. "Keep firing!" I yell to the fleet as ten boats are obliterated. The tidal wave takes out seven more boats, taking them to the bottom of the ocean. We're down to probably 280 boats and around 200 players dead in the first few seconds!

But it's health is already at half.

The massive wave lifts our boat to the sky, then to the sea floor, then back up again a little lower, and back down again a little higher.

The Beast Whispers take to the skies. Some getting too close with their strikes, are decimated by the giant hands wielding swords, clubs, and maces. Others are snatched into the mouths of the heads of the beast. The death count of the Whisperers is rising fast. It's sad to watch your own men die, but we have a job to do. And we have to do it right.

"Concentrate firepower! Move up!" I yell determined. It's time for me as a leader to put my panic aside and actually lead. The waves are carrying us adrift, making it harder to hit.

Though we're getting wrecked, we're a force to be reckoned with. A literal hailstorm of harpoons, gunfire, laser beams, sun magic, shadow magic, and magic spells rain down on it with accuracy as we sail forward.

The guardian squats down, then leaps into the air. The gunfire stops as we arch our necks back to the silhouette in the sky.

It's gonna kill us all.

"OPEN!FIRE!" I explode in terror. Like an eclipse, the body blocks out the sun, and like a meteor, the creature is set on a crash course with our fleet. It's body alone can take out 100 of us. The shock wave in the water will drown the rest. Everyone begins firing into the air. If we can't kill it now, it's over. All the progress we've made will amount to nothing! I clench my teeth as death approaches quickly. With the size of this thing, defense magic is going to do nothing. I take a deep breath in and sigh, then close my eyes... Come on... I know we can do it...

There is complete silence... No yelling of the terrified range classes and no plucking of the ballistas.

Am I dead?

I slowly open my eyes.


I look around in the sky. White particles... They're everywhere!

Inaudible cheering from 2,641 players forces a grin on my face. We almost just died.

My grin slowly fades as I realize how many people did die. So many died. I don't even know what to think about that. I just wanna fight the first god and get out of here.

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