♎Chapter 51-Libra♎

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April 9th, 2305

"Dad what the hell is going on?!" I scream. People stare. I'm making a scene but I don't give two shits.

"Ben..." my father begins. He seems to immediately stare into space.

"Dad stop lagging! What's going on?!" I yell.

Mom's not here...

"Dad. Dad, where's mom?" I ask. This can't be happening. I just got accepted to MIT, this can't be happening! Not mom! Please, not mom.

"Son," my dad says, his voice cracking like a pubescent teen and water brimming his eyes.

"Dad," I sob looking into his broken eyes. This can't be happening.

"Your mother died in a car crash," Dad says bluntly.

I'm done. I'm done. This is it.

I fall to my knees, dizzy and weak, and the tears just won't stop flowing.

Mom was so proud of me. She loved me so much. She didn't deserve this. I don't deserve this. She's always been there for me and dad and supported anything I wanted to do, despite my bullshit. She's the one who pushed me to follow my crazy dreams to go pro in video games. She's the one who helped dad out of his depression when grandma died. She's the reason I'm here today. Forget all of that, the woman carried me for nine months, helped dad bring me up, put up with my abuse, and now she's dead.

Dad lifts my head up and forces me to stand. "Look at me, son," he says teary-eyed, but boldly. "We need to be strong. Both of us, we need to be strong. For her. Be strong for your mother Ben. Be strong. Be strong. Be-"

"Ben, you OK, broski?" Sess asks with an eyebrow cocked.

"What? It's nothing, I dozed off," I reply groggily.

"More like having a nightmare... anyways, we're here."

I drag myself off the mat and trudge up the stairs to the deck. We're about to pass through the waterfall to Libra's cave.

"Havanna, didn't you propose getting a spellbook here?" Cecelia asks.

"Holy crap, you actually remember that? That was like four years ago, sis," Havanna chuckles.

"Yes. Pranav did get his grimoire for the Lich. I remember all of our resolutions," Cecelia replies.

"Eh, I need to kill all the gods to use it. It's tier six magic for a Sorcerer, so there's no use," Pranav replies.

"Well that's a big bummer," Margot says.

"Nah, not really. I sold it for more than the guild house cost," Pranav says with a sly smirk.

Everyone on deck turns to face him.

"What?" I question. There's no way in hell that anything is more expensive than our guild house.

"I'm serious. Got one billion gold from a wealthy vendor for it," Pranav replies.

"1 BILLION GOLD?!" we all scream.

"Officially the richest in the game," he says happily.

"Duuuuude, you are crazy," Sess huffs.

The waterfall passes over our heads and splashes the deck as we cruise on in.

"I never got my Apollo bow, but it was nothing compared to this baby," Margot says cocking her steampunk sniper cannon.

"Well, I still want my spellbook. 10th tier magic," Havanna says with a smirk.

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