Chapter 16-The Kraken

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August 8th, 2301

After our two weeks of staggering training and relaxation, it's back to the front lines. Our campaign is now set to the Sea of Monsters— probably one of the scariest places in this game. Once you get on that boat, nothing but luck guarantees you won't sink. There is a disclaimer to players when they exit the walls that you can drown to death. Been there, done that. Even for a game where death isn't—wasn't real, it's scary and not fun. With that said, The Sea of Monsters is most definitely the most dangerous. We have no idea what to expect.

The 30 of us meet up on the pier to prepare the journey. One carrier can carry 100 people, but since we've got supplies and food for the 30 of us for two weeks, the boat fills up. Exactly 1,260 meals, our gear, fishing equipment, ballistas, harpoons for ammo, capture nets, and other sea stuff.

Sess beckons the other Beast Whisperers and they stand on the beach with their arms out. What are they-

A loud whale song fills our ears before the Colossus Whale slides up onto the beach. The gigantic creature opens its gigantic mouth and its gigantic tongue plops onto the sand like a gangway.

"We'll follow you guys by sea," Sess calls as they walk up the whale's tongue and into its cave-like mouth. The Colossus Whale retracts its tongue, closes its mouth, and slides back into the ocean.

We all stare... They just summoned a whale and walked into its mouth... Wow.

One by one, the 27 of us board the ship to set sail. Mack and the Druids use their elemental powers to procure wind, which helps us accelerate and steer.

20 more to go. Don't give up on me Allysse.


I look out into the distance. If I get—when I get out, I'm buying a boat. I'll take Allysse and the kids for a ride. Not those aqua-hovercrafts that rich people take onto the lakes, but a sturdy, wooden, old school sailboat. Half the experience is to ride the waves, feel the mist of the sea—to actually sail. The sun is reluctant to fall under the horizon, so it stays high above. There are just miles and miles of smooth blue water. The waves crash gently against the hull of the ship, rocking it back... and forth... and back... The briny but refreshing smell of the ocean invades my nose with a light breeze. This is peace...

Kraken Demigod.

...And I spoke too soon... I sigh and accept the battle quest.

"Eyes peeled!" I warn to everyone on board. "We're entering the Kraken's territory."

"Mount the ballistas!" Essej orders. We take the heavy, giant, metal harpoons from the stockpile and load them up into the quarter-ton ballistas against the ship's rails. After one quick minute, we have 10 loaded ballistas on the deck. The Colossus Whale breaks the surface, spewing water everywhere out of its meter-wide blowhole like a volcano. It opens its mouth and Sess climbs on top of its bristle teeth. "The whale says it sees the Kraken!" he screams over to us.

"Wait for us! We'll hitch a ride!" I yell back. Sess disappears back into the giant whale's mouth, and it dives down.

"Divers!" Havanna signals. We, the divers, will be fighting underwater. I don't know what's worse: the spell fading early and dying underwater, or having the boat sink and dying underwater. In the end, you die underwater.

We Berserkers, Essej and the Samurai, Rachel and the Assassins, Margot and the Snipers, Alo and the Paladins, and Mack with the Druids will be risking our asses down there.

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