Chapter 06-The Obsidian Raid

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January 20th, 2300

We will basically be living here until we get to Gemstone-rank. I instructed everyone back at the Capital to do side quests and clear dungeons so we don't lose people or have players miss out on training due to disorganization. Side and dungeon quests, most of the time, give half the XP that battle quests do, so it's not really that bad. When we come back to the Capital, most people will have ranked up. For now, my officers of God Killers are in charge.

First thing's first, we set up our living quarters. Hundreds of tents are spread around the giant entrance of the ice cave. Fireplaces, blankets, and food are distributed evenly. People will have to go back to the Capital once our food begins to run low—most likely the Beastmasters with their polar bears.


January 21st, 2300

We wake at 9 AM, and I force everyone to practice. We review combat, skills, magic spells, and the warrior's mindset: bravery, teamwork, and awareness. Even though the Blind Ice Man can't see, the tank will swing wildly, and its attacks are crippling should you get hit.

The plan, I am not a fan of. I hate it actually, but it's what needs to be done. Every day, the ten of us leaders of God Killers will fight this monster with our raid parties featuring 300 players, then switch with the next 300 and so on.

We take the front guard with everyone else behind us as we enter the monster's cave. After walking in the dark for a while, there is an opening in the roof allowing sunlight to illuminate the cavern. And there the monster sits, 40 feet tall. It's a mole-like creature with scales of hardened blue ice. I signal the Rangers to open fire. The symphony of plucked bowstrings bounces off the walls.


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