Chapter 34-March of the Salvation Army

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October 23rd, 2303

"Listen up guys!" I bellow to 3,000 Gem warriors through voice projection magic.

For two years, we've fought obsidian bosses. Two long years. Honestly, I started forgetting the time it was gonna take because it was getting too stressful. To think about when we would finish was too arduous. I fought once in a while in a group and would solo obsidian bosses sometimes to blow off steam.

Most of the time, I would just think about myself, my family, and everyone around me. How is my family doing without me? I know financially, we are definitely fine. Emotionally, I'm ashamed of what I've put them through, especially Allysse. The way I've treated her in the past is unforgivable. Even though it's not my fault, she's burdened to raise two kids by herself. Two kids which are missing out on the most crucial period of our parent-child development. I'm scared that when I get out, they won't accept me, having been gone for so long. I'm afraid that Allysse will lose hope in me. I wouldn't blame her. I'm afraid that every second longer I'm here translates to me losing my family.

I've changed a lot since this all began. I wasn't the same shit excuse for a human being as I was before, but I wasn't out of the woods. As in, I wasn't bad, but wasn't fully committed to being good, because I never cared. I just sort of grew out of it. I thought I was mature but the fight with the Lich truly matured me. It opened my eyes to what a shitty person I was and how I failed to realize how my toxicity sucked the life out of the people around me, like a parasite.

I think I became human being that day, cause I repented. I felt all the pain that I caused. Especially to myself.

I don't remember why I stayed when the Gamemaster offered freedom. I know I was lying to myself acting all righteous talking about "If we don't do it who will?" I was a prideful, valuing looking cool in front of my friends, so it's ironic that that narcissism saved my life. I didn't fully believe that it was really happening—it was like a sick joke to me. Once I understood that it was real, I took it seriously. I realized it was an opportunity for a clean slate and do something to give back to the world for putting up with me.

I took charge and brought everyone together. If I didn't, it would have been chaos after the massive depression that most players faced. Just assembling a team gave people hope. People like Daniel Poppins, went on to sacrifice themselves so that the hope could grow. His sacrifice gave me a purpose. I didn't know what I was really doing until I met D-pop. He was willing to give up his life so that others could continue on, and that's when I realized that if we all want to leave this place, we need to be willing to die for one another. Even though I hate even the idea of dying—not for a fear of death, but a fear of my loved ones living without me—I know I could sacrifice myself for any one of these guys, because when I see the way they look at me as a leader, I can tell they would do the same for me without hesitation.

It's crazy how much hope, trust, purpose, and sense of family we've built up here. That's humanity. I've never been much of a leader in my life; the only experience I have is being the tactician for my crew. Commanding an army is way out of my specialty. Even with the God Killers guild before this mess all happened, I would command raid groups, not because I was a born leader, but because it was for my own benefit to get to Gem-rank. The reason I do it now is because everyone gives me so much hope. The love, support, and unwavering loyalty I receive from these people makes me feel like I have a chance to be a decent human—redeem myself of my past sins by helping people who can't help themselves.

300 ships are littered across the sea as I look down from the leading boat's crow nest. In front of us is the Godland portal—a gigantic swirling vortex sitting on top of the surface of the water. Our aerial recon found it a few months ago.

"Today we take a giant leap as the demigods were baby steps. We are responsible for getting ourselves and everyone else out!" I pause. "I can't guarantee everyone's life, so I thank you for making this sacrifice for the greater good. These are the rules! Watch your back, and watch your comrade's back. Stay humble and don't let your ego take over your actions. Lastly, don't ever give up!"

There is silence as people analyze.

"Let's begin. Full speed ahead!" I yell. Mack procures a wind to propel the ship forward into the portal. Immediately, the atmosphere changes. The sky is a darkish green and the waters are black.

"New map!" Essej yells to me, waving the scroll.

"New boss!" Margot yells with an unusual fear in her voice. There seems to be a massive earthquake in the water causing the boat to violently shake.

"Slow!" I yell. I vault over the railing grab a rope on the mast, swing myself to the deck.

A creature begins rising out of the water. It's the Guardian.

From one side of the horizon to the other, a massive wall of gigantic heads, arms, legs, wielding weapons rises out of the water. Our fleet stops. After thirty horrifying seconds, we are face-to-face with the 500- foot monster. It looks down on us.

"Hekatonkheires," Essej whispers.

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