♉Chapter 39-Taurus♉

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January 7th, 2304

500 brand new recruits are lined up on the shore of Taurus. I know even with the reform that all of them won't get back, but I want as little casualties as possible. Like Alo said, "no voluntary sacrifice is squandered." We're all here to die for the cause.

"Once again, let's go over the rules!" I bellow to my warriors. We decided to bring only the 500 needed with us 30 elite warriors because we now know what we're up against after defeating the guardian, Hekatonkheires, and Aries.

It's been hard, but I've let my friends and even people who fought under me, convince me that it wasn't really my fault. I guess it's true? We had no idea what the hell to expect. Now, I know better, and I feel like I have to redeem myself as a leader.

"Rule 1!" I yell. "Follow your commander!" I decided that we would break up the forces by class between the 30 of us. That means my guys command 50 Berserkers, Essej and his Samurai command 50 Samurai, Rachel and her guys command 50 Assassins, and on. We each attack as one unit—one super soldier.

"Rule 2! Stay in your sector!" Every unit has a sector. Melee-based classes will be fighting in the front guard, with a few volunteer support- only Paladins sprinkled into every close-range unit. Wizards will be surrounding the god from the top. Whisperers will also take air advantage and make lethal sweeps when opportunities presents themselves. The twin classes will take the back flank, either going melee close range or magic mid-range. The Snipers will cover the side flanks long range, while the Druids will cover the side flanks at close range.

"Rule 3! We go defense-only for the first two minutes! Analyze its fighting style, and think of counterattacks! When the timekeeper gives the go, we get into formation and counterattack its moves!" This I got from Essej. We know how to fight, but we don't know how the god fights, so how can we defend ourselves against it without knowing its attack pattern? The demigods were excusable because they were literally exponentially less powerful than the gods and there were only 30 of us to kill. With the capability of the gods to cause easy collateral damage, we need to be exponentially careful.

"Rule 4: Sub-commanders! Be prepared to assume command if the commander is to die in battle!" The twenty other guys that tagged along for the demigods are to take over their unit if one of us dies.

"Rule 5: If you find a weak spot, spread the word!" I yell. Finding Aries' weak-spot only saved us more guys. I'm assuming that all gods have discrete weak-spots.

"Rule 6: Adapt! We all signed up to die so at least die doing it right!" I yell with a smirk. Chuckles come from the crowd of warriors. "We're all Gem-rank! We've fought harder than everyone else for literally years to get to this status, where when the game released, Gem-rank was a myth! We are the elite of the elite! We are demigods! Don't be the noob who get them self killed! You must have that elite mentality of being flexible and adaptable! Do what it takes to live! With that, I say Godspeed everyone!"

We pass through the fog with war-cries. Not in arrogance, but in confidence. We're ready to do this and do it right.

The environment changes to flat brown desert dunes. Taurus is intimidating as hell. Probably the most intimidating thing I've ever faced. At 150 feet tall, the bull is massive. Not just in height, but in muscle tone. Every portion of its body is so swole that its veins protrude through its light fur. Its upper body is so bulky that the torso, neck, and shoulders have assimilated into one and the head sits in the middle with two long J-shaped horns. Two beady, blue eyes lie on the sides of its face, while its mouth is curled forcibly outwards to reveal giant herbivorous teeth slobbering with saliva like a hungry dog.

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