Chapter 14-Sobek

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July 26th, 2301

"Stop lying man, you're just in de-Nile," Pranav jokes. We cringe. "Please... no more," Essej moans.

"If we traveled down this river by boat, how much Nile-age do you suppose we'd get?"

We groan even louder. Nav's jokes are harmfully bad. I put my hand to my face and shake my head in sour disappointment.

"Knock knock," Pranav says with a grin.

"Muta silentia!" Havanna yells. A small tier one magic circle floats out of her cane to Pranav, who consequently falls silent. He yells at the top of his lungs but not a peep is heard.

"Jeez, that was so necessary," Margot grumbles. Without Nav's terrible jokes, we walk along the river valley in peace. Up above is a pink, orange, and yellow sky with wispy purple clouds spread about. Palm trees grow rampantly alongside the river bank's bright, green grass. In the distance, the desert starts again.

This is the home of Sobek.

"Talk about river monsters, we're fighting a crocodile," Havanna says.

"Or an alligator," Mack adds. "Or a caiman," Sess continues.

"What's the difference? It's the same animal with different names," Alo refutes. As we continue walking, the river begins to shrink.

Sobek Demigod.

I sigh and accept the quest. Here we go.

We continue walking a few hundred feet to see, now a stream that enlarges, ending like a culdesac at the end of a street.

A deep roar comes from the pond. The crocodile demigod, wearing royal ancient Egyptian attire, slowly emerges from the waters wielding a scaled scythe.


"To kick some crocodile ass!" I reply. Everyone snickers. I just wanna get a reaction out of the AI.

Sobek chuckles. "I admire your effrontery! BUT YOU ARE A MERE HUMAN! YOU MAY TRY WEAKLING!"

Everyone howls. "Ben just got destroyed by an AI!"

"Shut up and get in the water!" I order, leading the charge.

We enter the warm, waist-high water. This is an interesting change in our fighting atmosphere. The density of the water still restricts certain movements so we'll have to be careful. Sobek hisses and submerges.

I grin. "Remember Anubis guys," I advise, "trust yourselves." Slowly, we spread out in the pond. I draw my sword in front of me and close my eyes. I can feel him swimming to my right, moving southwest. The water is swayed against my armor and I can hear the croc moving through it. My comrades, using the same tactic, begin to follow Sobek's waves traveling toward me. I raise my shield over my head. Immediately, Sobek springs out of the water and strikes with a ROAR!

Even though I'm fully prepared for the attack, it hits me so hard that I'm slammed into the water. It takes me a few seconds to come back up to face Sobek's wrath. Not only does he attack with unrealistic power, but with unrealistic speed. All we can do is block his ferocious attacks.

"Long range, take over! Melee, fall back!" I order. We rush out of the water and the long-range guys engage as we devise a plan.

"This guy's strong. Really strong and fast. We need to find a way to take him down," I warn.

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