Chapter 26-Fire Dragon

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October 16th, 2301

I take a look at the map. Confusing much? We passed the lake of fire, so we should be going the right way. The Fire Dragon's lair should be riiiiight-

Fire Dragon Demigod.

There we go.

Everyone gives me a round of slow, sarcastic claps.

"Took us an extra day from being lost but good job bro. You're a scout now," Sess wearily congratulates.

"Nah, I'll leave the scouting to you man," I sigh in defeat.

We continue forward up a hill where short, jagged mountains surround a clearing. The floor is a cracked ground floating on top of a pond of lava. The Fire Dragon lies in its nest, past the pond, resting.

"Now would be a good time for a fire resistance spell," Havanna whispers. I wave her a thumbs up.

"Ignis resistentia. Multiplicentur per triginta." she whispers. Thirty magic circles spread around and bind with every one of us. Our bodies shimmer with a yellow glaze.

"Alright dudes. I'm gonna take first strike. Whisperers, we go by air," Sess orders. He takes his lance out along with a monster-ball, throws it into the air, and out comes a wyvern. "I've always wanted to try Rancor out," he says. As he high-jumps onto the flapping mini-dragon, the other Whisperers pull out their griffin and pegasus.

"Try to keep up, dudes!" Sess cheers. He soars up into the sky, then the wyvern closes its wings and dive-bombs. "Lancer's Pain!" he yells. He pulls up at the last second and strikes the dragon in the temple. 100 strikes in one and 10 bars of damage. The dragon roars at the top of its lungs in rage and confusion.

"Alright everyone go!" I yell.

"Talk about a hot head," Pranav sneers.

As we run across the pool, the ground beneath wobbles uncomfortably. Before we can attack, the dragon spontaneously blows a thick wall of fire towards us all.

"Expand shield!" I shout in reaction. Our fire resistance is finite so we should try to save it. My shield grows and my teammates take cover with me. We can feel the intense heat as the fire passes over the top and sides of the shield. It's not really aiming to damage, but crowd control.

Finally, the fire stops and we kick it into gear. "Melee guys, attack the lower portion and block fire attacks! Range, work on the upper portion from the distance!" We quickly surround the dragon in a full circle and attack.

It only takes everyone a few seconds to realize that the dragon is intelligent. It covers its body with its thick wings as the Wizards spam attack spells, the Sorcerers and Priestesses shoot magic beams, the Snipers fire off, and the Elementals with water and ice attacks.

"Berserker Spirit!" I yell after the many attacks building up my AP. My shield turns into another greatsword buzzing with electricity. The red visuals, power boost, and rage takes over. Angrily, I jump into the air and spin like a blender, slicing up the dragon's leg a few times before touching ground. A Samurai comes in with a lethal force punch, leaving a glowing crater in the dragon's chest from impact.

"Holy Sun Charge!" a Priestesses yells in the air. She uses her magic hand to supercharge her glaive, twirls it, then slashes the dragon in its long slender neck. The wound glows brightly with holy light and burns. It roars loudly, forcing us all back in intimidation as it breathes fire, jerking its head violently in all directions. All except for me. Angrily, I sprint forward with the fury flowing freely through my veins.

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