Chapter 09-Heroes and Husbands

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May 6th, 2301

It took us about a day to clean up and then transport everything back to the ice beach. All of the boats had been taken back to the Capital's dock when we sent all the Obsidians home.

And you know what Sess and the other Beast Whisperers did? These crazy bastards summoned a freakin' colossus whale. In this world compared to the real world, the colossus whale is about five times the size of a blue whale. Those things are huge! It came up on shore, opened its giant mouth, and after we loaded our supplies in, we went in. It was like a submarine, but dark and musty. Cecelia casted a light orb so we could see inside, and I'll never get the image of a giant overhanging uvula out of my head.

They opened the floodgate to the Capital so that the whale could access the moat-maze and swim to the dock. It opened its mouth and stuck out its tongue as a ramp to the pier. We were greeted by everyone— even NPC's. Apparently, our fight with the demigod was projected in the sky and everyone saw me cut its head off.

I'm ready to do whole lot more of that.


Just writing to let you know that I'm alive. A lot has happened in the past year or so. I finally got to the Gem rank I was telling you about. We defeated one of the thirty demigods. I don't know how long it'll be until we kill all thirty. I don't know how long it will take to kill all twelve gods. All I know is that I won't die. Wait for me OK? Kiss Jacob & Jackson/Jillian & Jackson/Jacklyn & Jillian for me. A big kiss to you too. I think of you every day.


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