Allysson Barnett

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I stumble about the mansion leaving the pulsating EDM behind me. I can smell the sharp scent of alcohol on my breath. Way to go Ben. Drunk and fumbling. "Just one beer." It's never just one beer. So, of course, I head over to the kitchen where Gray Sanguine, the wannabe bartender is at it, mixing sodas, alcohol, and juices with a crowd around him. He's actually pretty good, with his only experience being the fast food joint that he works at. Ironically, still under the age, he can't drink what he makes, but we can do it for him, legally.

"Hey, if you got your drinks then piss off! Stools are for customers only!" the freshman snaps. The extremely drunken fools groan like zombies and leave.

I take a stool at the counter. To the left of me is Allysson Barnett— one of the hottest girls in the university—model material. Not only that, but she's smart as hell too. Valedictorian or something.

"Aye G, hook me up with whatever she's having," I say boldly. We meet eyes, and she gives me a soft smile which is quickly hidden by a red cup. Damn! She's amazing! Gray comes back with a red cup and slides it across the counter. I take a swig and pause. I look at Allysson.

"This isn't Vodka," I say blandly with a mouthful of water.

Water shoots out of her nose as she begins to laugh hysterically. Throwing me completely off guard, I begin choking. Water drains into the wrong pipe and I heave and cough until it hurts.

It takes us a minute to compose ourselves before we lock eyes. "I'm trying to sober up," she explains, obviously as drunk as I am. "By... by drinking water?" I ask confused but amused.

"You're Ben? Even? Right?" she asks dodging my question with a pretty grin.

"And you're Allysson Barnett? Right?" I ask, returning the grin. "So, you're the prodigy. I've been at a few of your guys' tournaments," she says. I'm not surprised; the varsity gaming team has a lot of fans and popularity, not only within the school, but I don't know maybe on national television! "Just for the newspaper. Don't think I'm interested in you or whatever," she jeers seeing my pride.

I chuckle. "It's no big deal really. If you wanna talk prodigy, let's talk about you. You're at the top of the school right now," I refute. "What's your secret?"

She cocks an eyebrow, smirks, then leans in close. "I don't have a boyfriend," she whispers.

"Are you lovebirds gonna make out or what? Making me anxious as hell right now!" Gray wails.

We both glare at him and he retreats to pouring half-filled party cups into the sink.

I sigh. "Well. Now it's not so awkward considering I just watched water squirt out your nose."

"Shuddup," she giggles.

"Hey, I'm serious. That was pretty hot," I say stupidly. She looks up at me with contempt.

"I'm drunk. You must get that a lot," I quickly recover. "A little," she replies.

"Well, in that case, it was pretty gross and I am not attracted to you in any way whatsoever," I joke. Allysson rolls her eyes, unable to hide her smile.

Her pocket vibrates. "Sorry, uh-" "No, go ahead," I insist.

"Thanks," she glances down at her screen and her beautiful smile turns into a beautiful frown.

"Any of my business?" I ask. Rule one of flirting: don't come on too strong.

"Maybe," she replies. "Did you, uh... finish that analysis of The Tempest?"

My eyebrows reach the top of my forehead and I chuckle in awe. "Whaaaaat? Allysson Barnett? The best student? Forgot to do her paper weeks in advance?" I tease.

"Shhhh!" she hushes looking around. "First of all, I'm not the best. I've always been the salutatorian. Secondly, I've been backed up with model offers and fashion internships and debuts and junk, so lately my school work has been shaky. And don't say you're not surprised. That pisses me off," she warns.

"I could text you my analysis topics, detailed and everything, and you could paraphrase, but it's a shame I don't have your number," I say with a smirk.

She scoffs. "Ben Even, you are a smooth tool," she says handing me her phone. I get to work, then hand her phone back to her. She looks at it, then chuckles at the contact information. "Really?" she asks with a grin.

"Hell yeah," I reply with a bigger grin.

"OK, I'm gonna leave to work on that. I'll call you when I need it, maybe tomorrow morning," she says getting up.

"Are you driving?" I ask. "I can call you a cab or something."

"I'm the salutatorian remember. I'm too smart for that," she says jokingly arrogant. "I have a ride, though. I'll look for you in Sabin's class then."

I nod. "Hey!" I call before she leaves. She turns.

"Let's work on that secret. Your perfect grades are already shaky right?" I ask.

She rolls her eyes with a huge grin and leaves. Gray leans on the counter. "Dude, you are so in!" I wanna punch this kid.

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