♒️Chapter 58-Aquarius♒️

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July 7th, 2306

"Target ahead!" Margot says pointing to the beach a half mile away. Our eight-armed enemy, Aquarius, stands on the shore at a massive 200 feet tall as we pass through the waterfall.

I had already explained my rules before the waterfall so our guys should be fine.

"Fleet attack formation! All hands on deck, man a gun! Fire off the ballistas!" I order. 25 Ballistas are fired upon the octopus-like creature. I'd like to get to shore ASAP and not be in its element.

"Drop anchor, but full speed ahead! Load harpoons and fire all ballistas!" I yell.

I'm feeling very good about this one. This last one.

The crew quickly loads the harpoons and fires off another wave.

The anchor is dropped as the Druids use their elemental magic to propel the ship forward against the force.

"Druids! Cease!" I cue.

The Druids stop streaming air into the sail. The ships propel forward, being slowed drastically by the anchor until we hit the beach with a jolt.

I grin.

"Talk about speed parking, nice one Ben," Pranav compliments.

"Thanks. I need five people to man the ballistas and keep firing! The rest of you, let's kill this thing!"

I run, vault off of the railing, and roll out onto the sand.

"Formation!" I yell.

We quickly surround the god, dodging its beefy tentacles. I notice that the four tentacles acting as arms hold pitchers. An odd object to use as a weapon.

Anyways, the stunt we trained for in the Capricorn fight would never work as successfully here. We don't have the mobility that we had in the water. However, we do have ballistas. It takes the average ballista user 15 seconds to load the next harpoon. With 25 front facing ballistas on the ships parked on the shore, that's 100x damage we produce a minute. We can't get too cocky though. Each ballista is limited to ten harpoons each, when stealing ammo from the five rear-facing ones.

This is risky, but sometimes if you want to get far, you have to prepare for loss. I'm putting my confidence before my doubts now.

"Spread formation out! One hit from a tentacle and we're gonna start dropping!" I warn. The beast's tentacles are as girthy as its body.

The ballistas are fired in an alternating pattern where the god is always under fire. Gives us a good two minutes of cover to do some serious damage.

"Engage sequence one! All ballistas fire as well!" I order. The Snipers on boats join in, take aim and fire lethal projectiles. Aquarius struggles to comprehend what's happening as its health drops to 612 bars.

"Engage sequence two!" I order. The Wizards fire high-tier magic spells at the giant octopus from far above.

I grin at the helpless god. We will be victorious.

"Engage sequence three!" I order. The Beast Whisperers, in the air, all group up and begin either firing projectiles or diving at high speeds for powerful melee attacks. Meanwhile, the Sorcerers and the Priests from behind begin spamming shadow magic and solar magic.

My eyes wides and my jaw drops in confusement and amazement as the god's health drops to 229x health. It's too easy. Something is up.

"Keep your guards up! This is way too easy!" I yell leading the charge.

"Damn right. This is faster than any demi-god we've fought," Essej agrees, sprinting beside me.

The god spots us moving towards it and engages, holding its pitchers above us. I don't like this.

The god begins tilting the pitchers and what I would assume to be water pours out. However, the water shapes itself into a wall in front of it. Another round of ballistas go through but the water traps the harpoons in like a gel. We can't seem to force our way through.

"Twins attack from behind. Druids, get this wall down!" I order.

"Can't get the wall down. Its magic is too strong. We can turn this thing into cooked calamari though!" Mack shouts. As the twin classes spam their elements, the Druids produce fire to give extreme damage to the octopus. It immediately turns its attention towards its flanks and begins swinging tentacles offensively. Our forces evade and move back.

I grin. This thing has no mobility.

"Guerilla offense people!" I advise. It just keeps getting better and better.

Aquarius drops its impenetrable wall of water and directs its attention towards the guys in the back.

"Now!" I signal. Ballistas are fired as we sprint forward and attack.

"Poison Edge!" I yell leaping into the air. In the corner of my eye, I see a giant tentacle moving towards the 200 of us in midair.

"Evade!" I yell. I jerk my body awkwardly to avoid getting pulverized, as with everyone else. The tentacle moves very slowly. I come down and sink my greatsword into its slimy and soft skin then slash a few times before the god dissipates in gold particles.


"Is that it?" someone whispers.

That was too easy. Nevertheless, the 12th and final zodiac god is defeated.

Reality sinks in and we begin cheering like savages. "We cleared the game!" people cheer. Players hug and kiss and shake hands. We did the impossible.

I shake hands with Essej. "Thanks for everything man. Wouldn't be here without you," I admit.

He scoffs. "It's an understatement when I say that about you. You are literally our savior here," he replies. I grin. Our group stands together and we congratulate each other. I can't seem to find Scotty.

We wait anxiously in silence to see what happens next.

Ten seconds pass...

Twenty seconds...


My heart pounds in sudden panic. Please don't do this.


One minute passes.

Two minutes.

Five minutes.


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