Chapter 15-Ra

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July 28th, 2301

"I thought the 1,000 step staircase was a myth..." Rachel wails.

I arch my neck all the way back. The staircase to the pyramid temple doesn't seem to end.

I sigh, then chuckle. "All jokes aside, I want the Wizards and Paladins ready with mana and stamina boosters. We've got a long climb."


892... 893... 894...

One of the Paladins shoots me with a stamina spell and a sudden burst of energy takes over.

896... 898... 900!

"Why the hell would the devs make something like this?" I huff. "You think that they thought that any player would ever get this far?"

Sess asks. He has a fair point.

"I think that they think that we think that they might not add something like this, but in reality, they know that we suspect them of thinking that we think they won't do it, therefore they did it," says Pranav.

"Pranav, you need to think before you speak," Cecelia says with a concerned tone. We laugh and continue up the staircase, finishing the last 100 steps strong. Reaching the top, we walk upon a gigantic square field. The sun is oddly close. I can feel the scorching heat starting to bother me a little.

There is a figure sitting in the center, really far away. I can guesstimate that the square is about 1,000 feet by each side.

"It's him," Margot says peering through her binoculars. I take a peek. An extremely buff man with a bird head sits. He seems to be meditating. "Alright, let's take this guy," I say drawing my greatsword. We all take our weapons and begin slowly approaching Ra.

"So," he says still meditating. "You are the adventurers who have been defeating the gods of Egypt." We stop dead in our tracks, 100 feet away.

"I'm sure you've never felt the true wrath of the sun. Today, I avenge my children," Ra states. He slides towards us at incredible speed, leaving a trail of fire behind him. How is he so fast? With barely any time to react, everyone quickly sets up defenses. I can feel the heat from the sun- charged attack from outside my shield.

I open myself to a counter-strike, but he's already disappeared. "Spread out! Engage intelligently!" I warn.

Ra is nowhere to be seen...

I hear an eagle caw from above and look up to see a beam of light coming down. Reflexively, I roll out of the way. The beam passes through others and lowers their health bars to half. This guy is freakin strong. Really freakin strong.

I sprint up to him and attempt a slash, but he catches my huge blade with a beefy hand, then delivers a fiery push kick. I half-consciously see the ground getting farther away, the closer. My visuals tell me that I need to heal. I watch in amazement and horror as he literally zips around, striking with powerful sun magic. I can't even see him—just a streak of light bouncing around.

He dashes over to Rachel and swings his staff fueled with fire. She graciously backflips over the swing like an Olympic high-jumper. With her cutlasses, she sinks them into his chest. "Explode!" Ra goes flying into the air towards me. I high-jump to intercept Ra's fall and sink my sword into his belly. Mack brings up a pillar or rock at the speed of light before he falls to the ground, sending him flying up again.

"I'm loving this game of Demigod tennis," Pranav jokes charging his attack. He high-jumps and slashes Ra with a dark magic filled attack. Ra hits the ground hard and doesn't move. 79x health. That was an awesome combo. While we pat ourselves on the back, Ra stands up.

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