Chapter 22-Vampire Blood Mage

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September 23, 2301

"I'm just saying, Lycans are better," I refute.

Half of them groan. "Dude, vampires are immortal, though," an Assassin says.

"Lycans are strong as hell. You think a vamp could take a direct punch or slash from a lycan?" another refutes.

"Vampires can use blood magic," says a Samurai. "Team werewolf?" Havanna asks.

"Ew!" Essej jeers.

"Werewolves are sooo bad!" I groan.

"They can only transform once every month!" "They're smaller than Lycans!"

"Lycans can transform whenever they want!" "Werewolves die from silver! Silver!"

"Man to wolf instead of wolf to wolf!"

"Lycans have actual intelligence instead of a werewolf's rabid dog mode!"

"OK, OK, jeez, sorry for having an opinion," Havanna sighs. "Castle up ahead," Margot says.

"Let's get serious," I snap. Watching our front, sides, and rear, we walk up to the castle door.

"Ladies first," I say to Margot.

"Yeah, I know you're a chicken. I'll take the lead," she jeers. She switches to battering ram mode on her cannon, and busts both doors open. We continue cautiously to each level of the castle, with a new booby trap each floor: bottomless pit, lava flood, camouflaged quicksand, collapsing floor, electric pulses, spikes, etc.

We escape the 10th and last trap, where the walls closed in and almost crushed us all, and exit to the top of the tower.

Vampire Blood Mage Demigoddess.

"Thar she blows," Pranav jokes.

We watch a girl telekinetically swirling blood in the air wearing a dark crimson suit of armor with a bright red hood. She turns her head and grins with a pale white face, red lipstick, and red eyes.

"The adventurers. How may you be of assistance to me?" she asks. "Ha-ha. Funny," I reply sarcastically.

"Blood mage plus vampire. This is not gonna be good," a Wizard sighs.

"Let's get this over with. Melee, attack! Everyone else, on standby for switches!"

We, the melee guys, rush at the Vampire Princess.

"In the name of my father, Count Dracula, I, Sanguine Dracula, will slay you!" She rushes at us with a sphere of blood floating above her head.

I high-jump with my greatsword raised above my head for a massive attack, as the others go for the flanks. Bad choice. She swings her arms up and the blood sphere turns into a liquid stream that passes right through my chest. My stamina flatlines and I fall to a skid at her toes. One after another, she ducks and dodges attacks from us grunts.

Alo pushes then stabs her. "Life steal!" She retaliates, placing her elongated claws deep into Alo's chest and begins draining his HP. Their health bars stay at a standstill. Awesome...

"Health Transfer!" Alo yells. The princess' health drains quickly. One of the Berserkers jumps and activates poison cut and manages to get a hit on her.

"Ram!" I yell. From her flank, my sprint is boosted as I charge with my shield up and run her down like a truck. I strike down with my swords, dodge a claw attack, then jump out of the way. "Switch!"

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