Chapter 20-Trouble in Paradise

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August 23rd, 2301

"Finally, home sweet home," I sigh as the gangway hits the pier. That whole experience in the Sea of Monsters probably will stick with me. We've got to work harder, so harder I will make us work.

"Guys!" I hear someone screech in a panic.

Right when we just got here...

A panicked Gem-rank player rushes to us. "There's serious trouble!" "How serious?" Essej asks cocking a brow.

"Some of the Gem-rank players are attacking, robbing, and killing everyone!" the dude exclaims.

"Holy shit... and the guild house?" I ask.

"It's safe. There are about 100 or so of these guys. The town went into complete anarchy after you guys left... they've even killed other Gems."

I sigh. Not a tired sigh, or annoyed sigh, but a depressed sigh. I can't imagine the remorse of the families hearing the monotonous never- ending beep of their loved one's death. It's truly evil.

"We're gonna have to kill these guys," I say grimly. "Right behind you," Essej snarls.

"What I'm asking of you guys is no small task. It's not even a big task. It's a burden. I'm asking you to kill these people, knowing well that they might have family, maybe kids, but because they are denying the right to live for others."

Everyone nods. I look around and look them all in the eyes, to make sure they know what we're about to do.

"OK. Havanna, teleport us to the guild house."

She raises her staff in the air. "Ianuae!" A giant magic circle appears on the ground, followed by blinding white light. We appear in the guild house.

"Grab what you need. Send out a notice to meet up in the courtyard of floor eight in two minutes. This ends now!"

"Ben," Cecelia says. She looks down guiltily. "I-I cannot kill." I nod and rush to resupply.


With the 500 of us of all ranks assembled, the murders don't stand a chance.

"Teleport us to the city!" I bellow. The tens of Wizards cast teleportation spells. We find ourselves in the heart of the city. I look around in horror.

Every place has been broken into and looted. There are fires everywhere. The Blackhearts, as we call them, are beating and killing NPCs and players in front of our very eyes. Spells are being casted left and right. They destroy food carts and battle royal guard NPCs. It is complete anarchy. I'm enraged seeing white particles of my allies drifting in the wind.

How could this have happened? All the hard work everyone has put in. All the good memories we've made, despite being trapped against our will. The thousands who have sacrificed their lives so the rest of us can move forward and complete our mission.

This is just another obstacle between me and my family. Screw their worthless lives. They don't deserve to live.

"KILL THEM ALL!" I scream at the top of my lungs. The rage of Berserker Spirit takes over my emotions and my visuals turn blood red. I'm gonna slaughter them all. Since they don't want us to return to our families, I guess they shouldn't either, damn bastards! They made their choice and now they're gonna face the consequences!

We rush at them screaming. I don't even think about it. I take my sword and swing, swing, swing. The blade slices through a Blackheart's neck, decapitating him. His body instantly dissipates in a flurry of white.

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