Chapter 1

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It's only been a month into this new school year, and I was already done with life.

I walked down to my locker giving one of my best friends Sam a funny look. She jumped back taken with a laugh at the end. I rolled my eyes.

She was so dramatic.

"Casey?" I looked at her as I took out my math and spanish notebooks, and shoved it into my book bag. I was tall mix girl that looked dark with brown eyes and long wavy brown hair. I'm only like 25% white because my grandfather on my mom side was, but my dad dark, so I took after him.

I turn to her. "What?" She smiled.

"Guess what!" Her green eyes sparkled as she screamed. Sam had short brown hair, like a bob cot that fit her pale face. Knowing her, the right thing to do was guess.

"Let me guess, alien attacked earth? 1D in Chicago? You finally got a pet hamster that you can call Niall, or someone died?"

"No to all of that, jeez your a terrible guesser. But I still love you. " She said placing her right hand on my shoulder and her left above her heart.

"Okay, then what happen?" She was about to speak, when she realized my eyes were on something else. She turn to see what I saw.

He walks with so much tension as if a cry for help, but I divert my eyes to Sam. "You were saying. "

"I was going to say I found out there's a new guy, but I think you found that out for yourself."

"What's his name?" I asked.

She looked at me confused,"Am I suppose to know? I don't know everything! Besides I just saw him in the office before I came to see you."

Good to know, I thought.

We walked towards my math class with her arm around my arm as she talked about how much she loved Niall and how's he's babe. I laughed constantly, her and One Direction I couldn't understand. I mean I'm like that with DC characters, sometimes Marvel and that's only because of Loki.

There he was again. Sam waved goodbye, and headed to her history class. When he walked into my math class as I took my seat all the way in the back. He walkes in with so much confidence then before that it hurts me.

He doesn't care.

When the bell rang, I look at him while he walked towards Mr. S desk handing him a sheet of paper. Probably his transcript or something.

Its only been 5 minutes and my mind was set on something else...him.

He turned and eyes me. He looks as if he ready to hurt me. His eyes read my face and smirks with an evil joy.

Did I do something wrong? Of course I didn't, I didn't even know the guy.

I can't help but stare back, but not as hurtful as he does.

He wear the the school uniform, green, with dark blue jeans that look black. He was white. He had blue eyes and black hair.

A perfect combination if I say so myself, but don't get me wrong. I don't date white guys, I mean I never tried before, and I highly doubt he has ever dating a black girls either.

Mr. S walks up and introduces him.

"This is Jeremy Winch, he will be joining our class for the year." Why was he still stared at me out of everyone else? Seriously, I feel like he could see through my soul or something.

In fact, why do teachers like Mr. S do this? Everyone, at a time introduce themselves. All the way to me, we never left each others eye.

To be honest I felt threaten. This was intense. The only time we looked away was when either one of us blinked, and that was about it.

When it was done, he walked all the way to the back. Still I could feel his eyes on me. I've already have a new enemy on his first day of a new school.

I turned to look at him, only to see a deep hatred planted there. Aaron who sat next to me turned to see who I was looking at. Aaron was one of my closes guy friends. He was Latino, but looked white. He had green eyes that changed colors and curly short brown hair.

"Are you okay?" I turned to his green eyes that were comfortable.

"I'm fine." That very moment, Mr. S looked around for someone to answer a question. When be saw my head turned slightly to the right, he said it.

"Casey can you tell us the answer to the equation?" I didn't know, so I said a random number.

"18?" He shook his head. Once he did that, I could heard a laugh from the back. I turned to see Jeremy's cold pierced blue eyes. He shrugged, not caring. I with the same intention strugged, but I did care.

I hide my face even though he sat literally right behind me. I don't know why, but I felt embarrassed.

I turned to the clock waiting for the bell to ring.

Only 2 minutes left.

As the bell rang, he jumped towards me as soon as I pushed pass the people in the doorway.

"Someone not good at math." I rolled my eyes as he skipped circles around me. The first time I heard his voice and it in a way sounded hurt. But that wouldn't changed the fact that he was so far an irritation to my life. He was from that day forth, the cause of my frustration.


This is my first book, so i hope you like it. Comment what you think, like, share

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