Chapter 36

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Casey's POV

I woke up so confused as in where I was. My yellow dress lay on the chair in the far right corner, as it was replaced with a oversize grey sweater and my underwear.

To my left was some orange juice. As I begin to drink it, he walked in.


Jeremy walked in. He wore a black shirt, and grey sweatpants. His hair was a messy blond, but really hot. His grey eyes were more noticeable in the sunlight.

"Good morning." He said walking over to the chair near the bathroom.

"Did you put me to bed...?" I asked confused.

"Yeah." He nods.

"Did you undress me?"

He nods again. "Yeah."

I motion between the two of us. "Did know..."


A sigh of relief fell over me. "Where did you sleep?"

"On the couch." A gave a sigh of relief.

"Thank you."

He gave me a smile, and walks over to his closet. He slowly takes off his shirt and all I could see were his back muscles.

I swallow hard, and took in the sight.

"I should get ready, you know for work."

"No... stay."

"Jeremy I can't stay. If I do, and I leave with you, people are going to think that I only got this job because I slept with the boss's son."

"But that's not true. We haven't done that...yet." He whispered the last part, but I heard it.

I rolled my eyes and walked out of his bed. "Don't look." He gives me a big grin, and turns around. I slowly undress myself, and turn to check if he's looking at me. He is.

"Don't look!" I screamed at him.

He throws his hands up in the air surrendering. I cover my almost naked body as he walks towards me. He leans in behind me, and whispered in my ear.

"I'll be in the kitchen."

I nod at him, feeling the tingle of his cold breath on my ear. He leaves and I relax my muscles. If only he knew what he did to me, but I would never tell him that.

He did things to me that won't change this whole situation. It won't change what I went through years ago.

When I finished getting dressed, I heard Jeremy arguing with 2 other people. I was afraid to walk out of his room because I could have easily known these peoples, and be asked all sorts of question, but I did anyway. I walked out with all eyes on me. There stood Jess with the guy that I meet at the bar the first time I saw Jeremy there too.

"Why is Casey doing here? And coming from your room too?" they all turned to Jeremy as soon as Jess said that.

"Don't mind them. I'm Steven by the way." I smiled at him, as he gave me a handshake.

"Well you know my name." I said awkwardly. "Well I should go then."

"Great. I'll drop you off." Jess jumped at the chance.

"No you're not." Jeremy said. He pushed past Steven and stood right in front of Jess.

"Yes I am."

"Guys let's not fight in front of the lady. We're gentlemen for crying out loud." I gave a small chuckle at that thought. Just imagining all the guys dress up in little tuxedos. They would look so adorable.

"Why are you and Jess arguing? I thought you guys were friends."

"We were friends until he lied to me about you, and started hanging out with Chase."

"I did not hang out with Chase. I don't even like the guy."

"Oh really? Because I do remember watching you and him talk like you guys were best friends. And when he proposed, you couldn't even look at me."

"Yeah because I felt bad. And as your best friend I was trying to get closer to him to get to his secrets."

"Oh. I thought..."

"Yeah I think we all know what you thought. Way to go 'best friend' you're real supportive."

I interrupted their little fight because I know if I don't say something, it might end up worse.

"It's not all Jess's fault. I told him not to tell you that I knew."


"I literally thought we had this conversation. I wanted you to be the bigger man and tell me yourself. Not to send your guys to the rescue, okay? If you're going to blame someone blame me, okay. It was my idea. He was just being a good friend."

"To you..."

"And to you, okay. You know what, see you later. I'm in a good mood, and I don't want you to ruin it."

I walk towards the door, but he grabs my arms. He turns me around, and tells me to wait.

The look in his eyes told me he was being sincere, but that's not going to change. "Look Jeremy, Jess did all that to keep my secret. And I don't want you to hate him for something I did. He's a good person. Trust me on that. I've known him since freshman year of high school, and he's a good guy. Someone you can trust."

I pinch his cheek, and closed the door behind me.

When I got home I changed out of these things, and took a shower, and brushed my teeth. When I was about to leave, I saw the picture of Chase and I on my counter, and just thought.

I know the only reason I gave him a second chance was because of his looks. Not because I always give second chances, but because he reminded me of a good time in my pass.

The time I meet Jeremy. Although I though Jeremy hated me from the second we connected eyes, I already knew there was something I liked about him. Even if he made it look like that, he just did something to me. And now he's doing the exact same thing that he did years ago that made me fall for him.

He's playing that I'm going to win card. Wow was he competive, which I like. He didn't let me win, I had to win. And that my friend is the best way to win. Especially when I did and he would say that he let me. If he was to play that card, then it was fine with me.

It's funny that he thought I couldn't see his blond roots in his hair dye. It was pretty clear once you pushed his hair back. Plus the fact his grey eyes reminded me so much of himself. Those eyes were unmistakable. Once you fall for someone, you know who's going to catch you.

That's why it didn't hurt when I saw Chase with Emily. I really only liked him because he looked like my pass, he reminded me of my pass.

How stupid was I.

I could have been married to a guy that I'm pretty sure would cheat on me again. And you know what, he did.

I haven't done Casey's POV in a long time, and I thought you guys needed to know what she was thinking.

And what do you guys think about Jess? Did you guys really think he was the bad guy?

Comment what you thought, like, share.

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