Chapter 9

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Jeremy p.o.v

Let's be realistic here. Again, it's not my fault. If she wanted to act like a 5 year old, then 2 can play at that game.

I headed to my Spanish class, and took my usual seat in the back next to Jamie.

"Sup," I said.

She nodded, "hey."

"Hey, does she know?" I asked this for a very good reason. I didn't want anyone to know about me or anything because I didn't want everyone treating me different.

My name is actually Jeremy, but my last name is Winchester. Like the Michael Dean Winchester, the actor. So ya, my dad was huge in the movie business and when I told him I wanted to live a normal life, like go to a real school with actual real people.

That kinda shocked him.

I mean I had to change a lot of things about me to fit in. For example, I'm a natural blond, but it would be pretty obvious since I help my dad with stuff. So ya a lot of pictures of me and him.

The only reason Jamie knows about this is because she's my mom's friend daughter, so it was great that she went here. At least then I wouldn't be alone.

I mean I don't care, but I really just wanted some friends of my own age. Instead of meeting people, and introduces others. That stuff get pretty boring.

And to top that off. If anyone knew about this, there would be serious changes. Like people would probably just hang out with me because they think I know all these famous people like  Harry Styles. I mean I do, but still.

She responded really late. "You mean about your dad and everything?"

"Yesss," I stretched out.

"Oh no, trust me. She would have said something. Besides, she would have noticed by now."

"Are you sure or..."

"I'm sure. I've known Casey longer than you have. She would have said something. "

"Okay then, good."

"Oh, and one more thing. You know how you wanted me to make sure she didn't like you like that." Jamie said.

I lean in, nodding, "yes?"

"Well you don't have to worry. She doesn't like you like that."

I couldn't believe it! She didn't like me, but it looked like she did.

What am I saying? This is good right? But why does it feel so wrong? Why does it hurt?

"Are you sure? Because you know people could say one thing and mean the other."

"Trust me, she doesn't like you like that." I gave a fake smile.

"What about her facial expressions? Was there any hesitation at all?"  Now I just sound needy.

"Look if you want to check for yourself, then go. I'm not the messenger! It's clear that there's something going on so don't tell me! Not like you were anyway."

I placed my right hand over my heart, landing back in my chair with a look of shock.

What crawled up her butt today? I was just asking a question.

She shushed me as I was about to explain myself. Seriously though, what did I do?

The teacher started writing notes on the board. I wrote some things down, but decided to text Casey instead.

That's right! I have her number, mainly because I wouldn't stop bothering her about it, but I still got it.


I waited. After we hanged out at the mall, we got really close. I thought there was something, I guess I'm wrong.

She didn't reply for a while. And when she did, I almost felt out of my seat.

Smooth, so smooth.

Everyone turned around to see what I was doing. So I quickly poured out my pens and pencils on the ground. The teacher looked away thinking it was nothing important.

Casey -Looks who's talking.

Me- Sorry okay, I got pissed off that you didn't want to talk to me. I thought we were cool.

Casey- Don't blame this on me, this was all you.

Me- Okay, okay. Maybe it was, well half of it.

Casey-Look I don't think this is helping your case, so I'm going to go.

Me- No wait!

Me- Casey!

She didn't reply. I'm guess she a mad at me about earlier. It's not like I meant to say what I said, it just came out.

I stared at the clock. 5 minutes to go.
It just didn't came any sooner.

As soon as the bell rang, I rushed out of there. I walked quickly down the hall and up the stairs. I hope she doesn't have one of those days when she just stares at me blankly when ever I say something.

She would looks at me and tells me that my eyes were dilating, and they scared her a bit.

And as luck would have it, there's a sub.

Why can't teacher be reliable?

She walked in and the first place she went was to sit next to him. Aaron off all people.

She sits next to him!

Aaron seemed relieved. When ever she turns around, he would look at me and see how I hated this.

Okay let's do this. He wants to go, I'll have a go too.

I walked over to sit right next to him, and do you know what hurts the most?

It's the fact that she pretended that I wasn't even here! Like I was the ghost of fuckin' Christmas past!

I'll try to say something and she would pretend that I was invisible. Like really? I made a mistake. A lot of people do that. She does that all the time, and you know what? I forgive her, like a good person.

"Casey? What the fuck?"

She leaned in closer. "I'm just giving you what you wanted, you know. This isn't working thing. " Aaron couldn't help the grin from showing. In fact I bet he wanted me to see that.

Just one freaking mistake. If This Is What She wants, Then okay. I'll play this game. After all, games, I'm especially good at.

Let's see how this plays out when two are playing the same game.
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