Chapter 37

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Everything seemed to be going so well until Casey knocked on my door. We were currently at work, and I was too busy trying to type up this report.

She knocked on my door, and let herself in. "Mr. Winchester."

"So professional I must say." I smiled.

"I just wanted you to know that you owe me." Her voice rose into her singing.

I raised my eyebrow at her. "Owe you what?"

"Don't worry about it now. I'll tell you during lunch with Jess. He's my witness." She gives me a creepy smile.

"Okay." She closed the door behind, and all I could do was think about what she wanted to show me.

When lunch came, I quickly gathered all my stuff. I saw Jess and Casey having a little chat, and Jess turn to me and gave me a smile.

I'm happy that everything is finally going my way. I found out my best friend is still my best friend. And I'm one step closer to sealing the deal with the girl of my dreams.

We walked down to the café that I meet Casey at that day she had a meltdown.

Jess in the middle between Casey and I in a small red booth.

"So what was it you wanted to tell me?"

She looked at Jess, and then me. "I think that it is clear who the winner is."

"What are you talking about?"

"She means the bet you guys made about who falls in love first. You caved, she won."

My voice sank. "Thank you Jess."

I looked at both of them. "Seriously, that's what this is all about?"

"You never joke with food." She told me. "Especially if it's a bouquet."

"Well if I do remember, you caved first actually."

Jess interrupted. "The rules did say who ever fall for the other first."

"Exactly! You said I love you first. And if I'm right, you kissed me first every single time."

"I did not say I love you, and you kiss me back!" I exclaimed.

"Really? If I do remember correctly you said, 'Cheers to you my love.'"

"True you did say that."

"You weren't even there." I whispered.

"Actually I was. I was going to check on you, when I saw you kiss her."

I pointed at him, "Is that what he's here?"

"Yep, for moral support."

I scoffed at that. There was nothing moral about Jess. He was more of a player than a saint. Trust me on that.

"You know, I think I forgot my phone in my office, I should go get it."

I know that was a lie. I saw him put it in his pocket before we left. He probably wanted to leave us alone.

Why did I doubt him?

"I guess moral support has left the building."

"Haha, very funny."

"I know. I think it's one of my best work." I leaned in, towards her. "So..."

"So what?"

"Do you want to get out of here?" she nodded.

We left the café, and walked down to the nearest park. We walked side by side for the longest in absolute silence until I brought him up.

"Do you want to talk about it? You know what happen with Chase."

I Can't Stand You {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now