Chapter 24

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Casey POV

It's been almost a month and I was tired with his games. I walked outside in my midnight blue dress, calling his name. He just kept walking. I called his name even loudly, he turned with a sigh.

"What." His voice was bitter when I stopped myself in front of him. "What do you want Casey?"

"You have to answer the question. Why don't you like me?" He looked at me confuse.

"If you playing a game or something, I have to go."

Really, he didn't have the right to be mad at me, not anymore. I shoved him hard, but he only moved slightly back.

I screamed "you don't have the right!" The moment tense, filled with a passionate hate that I fueled.

He turned around, I pushed harder. This time he had enough. He turned to me with frustration he couldn't deal with this anymore.

"What do you want!?"

"I want you to tell me the truth! I want to know before it's over what you feel!" He sighs, about to walk away again. I pulled him back. Why can't he just be honest? There's no one else around but us, and all I want is to hear those words.

When he tried to walk away again, I ran in front of him, he wasn't leaving.

"Tell me!" I sounded so needed.

"If I tell you, will you stop?" I nodded moving back. Giving him an inch of his space, as he slowly begins.

"To start off, I don't like you. And that's all I have to say."

I laughed, "You're a terrible liar." He eyed me for a long time, before he gave up, because he knew I knew the truth.

"Be a man, tell me the truth." I told him. He began to roll his eyes in frustration. "If this is about that bet we made long ago, it doesn't even count. I never even thought about it or even really cared."

"Why would that be it?"

"Well you don't want to tell me what you really feel so I'm guessing that's the reason why."

"Casey just forget about it okay. I don't want this, and you don't. It's too late anyway."

I stood with my mouth hanged open, as my head fell down."How do you know what I really want?"

"Because...because I do. I just do." He moved closer to me, and pulled my chin up. We were inches away, and then it happen. He looked into my eyes, and I knew he couldn't take it anymore,

He moved his hand up towards my cheek, and his other hands slowly traveling down on my arms.

He kissed me.

The breeze blew between us, dancing on our lips. The dark sky brought us closer. I moved my hand to his hair when he brought his down to my waist and pulled me closer.

My hand slowly found its way massages through his hair. His lips edged into mine, as if part of my skin. I wish this could be our forever, but it couldn't.

I don't know why, but I let go. The moment was right. Everything about it was right, perfect even, but still.

He pulled me closer, before I pushed away.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I couldn't say anything. I just walked away, leaving him to stand there with no good explanation.

He watched me as I ran away from the field. Tears slowly formed in my eyes and I realized, I was in love.

I loved him.

Everything that we've been through and so much more, was evident in that kiss. It was like a decade long wait that felt reliving.

In the far distance, I could hear him calling my name, but I couldn't look at him.

When I got home, no one was home.


I ran up the stairs and fell asleep in my dress, as the tears stained my face from all the makeup. And that was it.

The next morning I rang his bell, but he didn't answer. He didn't come to school that whole week either.

I thought it was because of the dance, but when I went to his house, no one was home. No one was inside.

My mother called me over, and handed me a letter addressed to me.

I open it and my eyes slowly felt the tears that wouldn't hide.

Dear Casey,

I know you would probably wonder if I'm mad at you for the other night, but that's not it. I'm sorry I never told you, but this thing I wish it could be.

What I feel for you is incomparable to anything else.

I love you. And I know it doesn't look like it, but trust me. I do love you. You are the first person that actually broke me, you took my heart.

I didn't have to the chance to tell you since you left me there, so I thought this was the best thing I could do.

In your drawer is the blanket we shared our first kiss, and a ring that I want you to have. I may never see you again, let's hope to fate I do, but for now.

I love you.



p.s. I hope you love the painting. It took me forever.

You would think I would know, but I didn't.

I found out he moved that very night, that's what he wanted to tell me. But here I was. I had lost my first love just like that.

I ran to my room and ran towards the drawers and better yet there it was. The ring and the blanket.

I looked around for that painting, but I couldn't find it, and then it hit me.

I ran to his room and opened his closet door to see it. A picture of me stood there in his arms. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

I wiped my tears away, as a sudden laugh escaped me.

Who would know that he was so romantic, but that was Jeremy.

He was full of secrets.


Did you guys expect him to leave her? Hope you guys are liking it.

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