Chapter 12

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Jeremy p.o.v

To be honest, I was just messing with her about her type. I wasn't actually going to do anything to change who I was. That's too much work. And besides, I have never lost.

The thing is to make her think I'm trying or at least giving a effort, so she can believe that I'm something special or some shit.

"So, are you actually going to tell me your type. Or am I going to have to play the guessing game." I asked her.

She scrunched her nose before looking at me. "Well you do like games, so I'll wouldn't keep your hopes high."

To be honest, I like this girl. She had balls, and that was just amazing. She was like a challenge, and I'm very competitive. I just hope she can handle this.

I silently chuckled at that thought. She turn her head towards me and stuck her tongue out.

"You're welcome." I chuckled a little bit more. She was something.

Mr. S finally came in class. We stood outside his door waiting for him to come. When the final bell rang. I was really tempted to tell everyone he wasn't here, and that we should go to the lunch room. But they probably wouldn't believe me, but they would agree to go.

Mr. S rushes down the hall to open his classroom door."Sorry I was late. I had a meeting." Mr. S places his books and bag on his desk, along with coffee mug.

"So today, we are switching seats." I let my mouth hang open. He can't be serious.


Few minutes later.

Okay. I'm okay with this arrangement. He kept me in the same spot, and she moved 2 seats away. I still could talk to her though, so ha!

Every change I got, I would look her way. And she would stare straight ahead.

I wonder what she was thinking.

I can't believe Mr. S today. When you think something is going your way, something always have to end up so wrong.

He moved Aaron in between her and me. Why don't teachers take the hit.

Aaron quickly rushed over, and dropped his stuff on his new desk. He placed his elbow on top of the 20 feet tall stack and faced her direction.

I couldn't see her, but the top of her curly brown hair. She turned and laughed at Aaron because of something he said.

Man I hate that kid. He just didn't get the hit.

"She doesn't like you, move on." I covered my mouth. Oh, shit. I said that really loud.

Casey turned to give me a look of disappointment.

"Why would you say that?" Aaron turn his face to her. She stretch out her arms, in which he took. She rubbed his back, telling him that I was stupid.

As if.

I'm on his game, because I'm the only one that's supposed to play and win.

"Keep falling for that." I said to her. She rolled her eyes and went back to hugging him.

"I saw what he did, and he wasn't good at fooling me.

When was lunch going to come here? I don't want to be here with these people. I can't take this anymore.

I slide to the empty seat that Alec would soon take since he wasn't here.

Now I sat next to Aaron who sat next Casey. I hope he likes that.

"Hey Aaron. " I whispered. He turned looked ahead, until I waved my hand in his face.

"Miss me."

"How could I. "

"Well good then because I need to talk to her."

"We are already having a conversation. Stop trying to butt in."

"I'm not, your butting in. I'm trying to finish our conversation. "

Casey moved her head to me." We're still on that?"

"Ya, you haven't told me."

"Ya I did."

"No you told me what I didn't want to hear."

"And the problem is?"

"Hey dude, I don't know what you guys are talking about, but I don't think she wants to talk about it. " He gave me a grin.

"Fine, I guess we'll have to talk about this during lunch then. You know, to make you feel better. " I started laughing quietly at him.

"Haha, laugh it up." He whispered. "I know who you are. Let's see what she thinks about you then. "

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me."

"What are you guys whispering about?" She asked.

I looked at that evil smiled planted on his face, "nothing. Nothing at all."

Well isn't that great.
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