Chapter 32

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Dinner parties.

I didn't expect things to go so wrong so soon. I walked down to Casey's apartment building, and all I could do was pace around.

I was complimenting how I would tell her, and how I should do it. I expected a least a lot of people, so I could make our way to her bedroom to tell her. But then what...

I pressed the bell with anxiety building up in me. When she buzzed me in, I walked down to the elevator and waited for the door to open. A few seconds passed and I walked in. A voice that sounded so familiar called after me, and I held it.

Big mistake.

I would have expected Jess, but not her. Emily ran towards the elevator, as I stared at her confused. She couldn't be going to the same place I was.

"I know I look good and all, but staring isn't nice," she said grinning. She wore a red dress and tied her blond hair in a neat bun.

She couldn't be serious. Okay now I think she's stalking me for real. I'm going to be needed a restraining order, and soon.

"Emily...what the hell are you doing here?"

"I was invited."

"By who!"

"Casey." The door opened and she walked towards the room that I wished I wasn't going now. I followed slowly behind her as I felt the blood leaving my brain.

I can't do it with her here. She wouldn't allow it. In fact she'll make it seem like we were a thing. I'm doom. I fear death is far more easily than escaping this women.

She knocked a few times before, Casey opened the door. She looked so beautiful. Her hair was let down, and that dress made me tingle. That tight black dress made me feel like sweeping her into my arms and kissing her repeatedly.

Her eyes glisten as well as her smile. Her whole face lit up as that door opened.

I didn't know that I was staring at her for as long as I was, until Emily shoved me hard.

Emily scoffed at me, proceeding through the doors as she waved her hips. She's trying way too hard.

When I stepped I waited for her. "You look beautiful." I said almost tripped half way there, and she smiled at me helping me gain my balance.

"Thank you. Here I'll take that." She pointed down the hall to a bright room, as she takes my jacket off and put it in the closet. I walked in front of her, and I froze.

I didn't expect a room filled with a little amount of people. My perfect plan would never work. God I knew I needed a backup plan.

In the already seated chairs where almost filled with people I knew.

The girl that I meant that was with Casey that very first day we reunited. As well as Jamie, Jess, Emily, and of course Chase.

There was 2 other guys there that I had no idea who, probably Chase's friends.

Anyway, I took the seat next to Jess and Emily. Jamie sat in front of me with that girl that I later found out was called Sarah while the guys were Austin and Luther.

Casey brought out some food and we all dig in.

Was I the only one who question what was actually going on here.

I went to the bathroom because it was way too quite, and I needed to clear my head. I needed to come up with something.

When I came back, everyone was chatting as if they knew each other. As if there was no awkward silence before all of this. As if I was the intruder.

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