Chapter 11

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I final finished that English paper even though it took me all night, and I was half way asleep anyway.

When I walked towards my locker, he was about to leave to class. I pushed my head down, hoping he would get the hit that I didn't want to see him.

Well he didn't. He stood at my locker hitting his watch, "your late." I rolled my eyes.

"So have you decided?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"The game, are you playing or not?" Not this again.

"Why would I?" I asked slamming my locker.

"Because your afraid you're going to lose."

"Why would that be it?"

"I don't know? Girls seem to get really uptight about things like that." He said struggling his shoulders.

What the hell! I really wonder if he actually hears what comes out of his mouth.

"What marvels me is that you thing ever girl is the same."

"I never said that."

"Dude, you implied it." He started getting a huge grin on his face which I shock off.

"Okay, I did. Prove it."

"Prove what?"

"Prove your different. And maybe even you might have a chance."

He's bating me, I'll take the challenge. Besides, I have a problem with winning everything.

But hey! The first step is admitting you have a problem. And by God, I seriously have one.

"Oh, I won't even have a chance, I'll win. And that's a promise." I sighed. "Now what's the game?"

"Okay, the games simple." I nodded.

"The first person to admit there feeling loses."

I moved my eyebrows up in confusion.

"The first person to admit they like the other person loses. And sweetie that's a tough game. Considering I always win. It's just my record."

That was all. I was expecting something more challenging. This was ridiculous.

"What do I get if I win?"

"Okay, I win, I let you go on a date with me. If I lose, which I highly doubt. You have to go on a date with me."

"So either way, we'll be going out." He can't be serious.

"Okay, then. The loser has to buy the winner sushi. "

"I hate sushi. " I say making a face

"What is wrong with you? Sushi is life!"

"Yeah for other fishes! I prefer my for cook all the way than you very much."

"Fine! Food!"

I thought about that for a moment, "So I could have a buffet of fries?"

Jeremy rolls his eyes at me before agreeing. "Any type of food. Gosh your picky."

"Agree." I smiled shaking his hand. "This will be like taking candy from a baby. I hate to bust your bubble, but I don't fall in love. "

He smiled, giving a wink, "we'll see about that."

He walked into class as the final bell rang. If it's a game he wants to play. Then this is going to be fun.

Monday morning could be the worst. Especially when seats are changed, and the only available seat was either him or Sarah. And let's just say, me and Sarah don't share the same ideals.

Or its more like she thinks were cool, but that's the opposite.

I walked over to him, feeling like I'm helping him win.

"So, we will be sitting together for 2 whole weeks. I hope you can control yourself. "

"Lets be realistic. Your not my type."

He looks in shock by my statement. "And what would that be? Your type."

I didn't want to answer. I could really help him. And I do love anything involving food, especially fries.

"For research purposes of course. If I'm going to win I have to know. It's fair game."

I guess he was right. It was supposed to be a challenge after all. So I told the truth.

"Good Boys. And you my friend are not one of them."

I looked at him ad hr lied straight through is teeth.

"What! I'm a good boy."

He can't be serious.

"First of all, your super rude, and don't care about people's feeling. Like you say what every you want. And your mysterious."

"I'm hearing Aaron."

"What, no!"

"Your describing him. As I can see it, boring."

"He's not boring!" I scoffed at him.

"We he's not fun either."

Was I really thinking of him? No that made no sense. Aaron a sweet guy, and one of my best guy friends too. He knows everything about me. What makes me tick, smile, laugh, all of that stuff.

Besides he knows I don't like him like that.

"Earth to Casey." Jeremy waving his hand in front of my face until I can shake my thoughts.

"We can talk about this in math because your really thinking about it."

I ignore him, and starts typing something that I really don't care for.

This is going to be fun.

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