Chapter 18

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I can seriously say that I can't wait for this weekend. Plus tomorrow night was going to be okay I guess.

Since there was a huge party at Sarah house, everyone was going. Except me off course. It wasn't like it was invitation only, I don't even think they do that anymore since people just show up. Even the kids in the next state. Its gets pretty crazy.

I wouldn't know, I've never been to one, and trust me I wasn't going to this one either. No matter who was going to drag me there, all my friends knew me by now.

I value sleep, and peace, and quite, and  personal space.

Anyway since I wasn't going to the party, Jeremy decided we should hang out... as friends. Anything else would have been awkward.

I told him he didn't have to stay with me, but he insisted. And besides, when he makes up his mind, there's no point in trying to change it.

I told Jamie and Sam about it, and they instantly gave my a look of worry and approval all wrapped in one.

I told them that nothing going to happen,  it would just be weird in this stage of time, I guess.

"Hey!" I turned around to see who was calling my name. 

"Hey, "it was Jeremy.  I don't know why I'm surprised.  We've been hanging out more than usually,  and outside of school too.
And I usually don't do that. 

I'm that girl that stays at home. When there's a party or a hangout that my friends make, I come up with any excuse to pull my way out of it.

I just prefer to be at at home were I can be comfortable,  and sleep all day.

Now that's the life.

"So are you coming tomorrow," he asked me.

I nodded, "ya."


As he begins to turn away, I pull his arm towards me,  then he turns to me again. 


"Promise me it won't be weird. Okay."

"Ya sure, I guess. " He raised his left eyebrows and asked,  "What's going on?"

I shake my head,  "nothing.  Nothing you need to worry about. "

He walks away not convince, but still leaves.

If I had told him what was really going on in my mind, well let's just say it would be weirded.

And not in the good way, like the hey I'm not surprised way.

Plus I like to win.


Tomorrow night...

I wave goodbye as my mom enters the car and tells John, my older brother that he's in charge.

When they drive off, he walked up the stairs and grabs his blue adidas bag.

"Call me if anything happens,  like a fire." He moved towards the door and I tell him I'm going to Jeremy's house.

"The dude next door?"

"Ya," I nodded.

"Cool." As he's was about to close the door, he hesitated and said. "Tell him I'm watching him."

"Okay." I chuckled.

He closed the door, and I ignored him. He was just being my overly protective brother.

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