Chapter 5

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Jeremy P.O.V.

I can't believe I just did that. I told myself a hundreds times, stop it! Its not going to happen. Erase the thought from even coming to your mind again.

Your supposed to be here to fit in, to be normal for once in your life.

Huh, why would it work anyway?

She enters the class with a worry look. As soon as she sees me, she turn away. She walked to her seat without looking up to see what my reaction was. Great, she probably thinks I'm abusive or some shit.

I mean I should even care. She's black, I'm white. I don't even date black girls. I'm not saying race is the big factor that determines how I feel. I'm saying that I never actually been with one.

A black girl that is.

I turn to see her gazing at her computer screen from the back of design class. Her hair in her natural style, wavy. She turns to look at me, and I turn away. Almost knocking the girl next to me, I think her name Erica or something, papers.

Her fair skin got me hypnotized, and her eyes. Oh her eyes. They were a dark shade of brown, but beautiful in every way. Every time I look at them, I get lost.

That's it, I have to get her out of my mind. I've got it. The only way to get this to work.

After class, it looked like she was avoiding me. That's good for my case right. I mean Casey and I can't be together. It doesn't work that way. Besides if she knew the real me, she run like every one else.

Well all the decent girls that I've had did.

In Spanish class, I stared at the clock waiting for it to ring. 3th period was when I could see her again, and 30 minutes away.

Ugh! I slapped my forehead. What is going on with me? I need some serious help.

I turn to Jamie who I've known since like forever, and started a conversation. Really, I was trying to get all the information I could get on about Casey.

I turn to her and flash an innocent smile. "Hey, what's up with your friend?" She stopped, thinking.

"Who, I have a lot of friends?" I shook my head, she was really going to make me say it.

"You know, the tall black one." She grinned.

"You have to be specific. I know a lot of tall black girls. " Like who! There's only 2 tall back girl that everyone knows in our program, but only 1 that she talked to.

She realized that I wasn't going to say it, so she did. "You mean Casey?" Her voice rose with a tone of excitement.

"Yah, her."

"What about her?" She moved her hand to her face, leaning closely to hear what I have to say.

"No, what, no! She not my type. You should know that." I whispered to her as her facial expressions changed to suddenly.

"Ya, I remember. You've never dated one before." Now her tone was filled with annoyance. That solved my problem.

If Casey thinks that I only date my race, she would have to stop liking me because there would be no point. That had got to be the best plan I have ever came up with.
3rd period (math)

When she walked in, she didn't look at me. With is funny knowing we sit right next to each other.

I tapped her shoulder waiting a few minutes so she could settle down. She didn't bugged. Was she still mad at me for this morning.

It's not like I wanted that to happen, I just couldn't control it.

She makes me do stupid things! Constantly making me think about how I could have changed it, or make it all better.

I tapped her again. She turn with a serious look. Her left eyebrow raised, as I begain to get lost in her eyes. I could feel my pupil dilate every second that passing.

I was about to say something, but I looked away. She shook her head, and went back to what ever she was doing.

Idiot. Why did I do that?

"Everyone partner up." Mr. Solemn says passing out more math problems. Like I don't already have a problem on my hands, and she was right next to me.

"Hey, Casey." Pushing her, she moved her head and started on the work. She was avoiding me, even though we sit next to each other.

"Here, this is what I got. " She hands the paper to me, and I know I mess up.

"Were suppose to work as a team, but if you don't, then okay." I shrug my shoulders, making it seem like I didn't care. Man I feel so weird around her.

Then it hits me. I needs to stay away from her. If I was going to keep this secret for a little while long, I'll be out of this school and she will be out of my mind.

Problem solved.
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