Chapter 29

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Half way down the hallway, Jess ran up to me telling me he tried. He was about to say my name when he looked to my left and saw who was next to me.

His eyes widen at her presences.  "Casey?"

"Jess, you work here too! I seriously need this job then." He gave her a fake smile, before leaving. I pulled him back and whispered into his ear about my real name being on my office.

He nodded and walked away quickly towards my door. When we go to my office, my name was gone, and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Here we are. Room 212. Shall we go in?"

"Yeah? I guess." I think she catching on to me. She gave me a look that told me she was watching me. I better not slip up.

I open the door slowly, and saw my name tag on my desk. I quickly ran over and threw it into my drawer. She didn't notice a thing. She was too busy looking at my office to realized what I had just done.

When she was finished, she took a seat and I began to ask her questions.

"Why do you want to work here?"

"Honestly?" I nodded. "Well I'm a writer. There's not a lot of jobs for writer that haven't gotten a name for themselves."

I'm so slick. I remember how she used to draw in math class, and used that yo my advantage. "Really, I was getting more of a creative vibe. Like art. Do you draw?" 

"Actually I do. On my free time which has been a while."

"And why is that?"

"Well it may sound silly because it does to me, but I stop in high school."

"Why is that?"

"Well things happen, people leave, and I just stopped. I guessed too much memories."

Great, Jess was right. She did change. She hasn't drawn since I left her, and that was like 8 years ago. I didn't know hurt her that much. Gosh why did I play with her.

Wait, I don't exactly know if I did it. I mean things happening could mean anything, but Jess was right. I should have stayed. I should have just told her the truth. She would have forgiven me later because that who she was back then.

She was wild, kind, and carefree. She was my angel, and now looking at her, talking to her. I could see that she was broken. I had taken that light from her eyes. I had made her what she was today.

God I'm stupid.

"I understand. So..."

"Yeah, are you going to ask about my work experiences or..."

"No need. That's why I have Travis. He makes sure we hire the best without any bias."

"Good then. I should go right."

I jumped out of my seat helping her leave. "Yeah, I'll walk you down."

We walked down without a word. I said my goodbye with a friendly hug, and watched her walk away. The second time that day.

To make matters worse, Emily popped out of nowhere. It's like she can smell me.

Got to change cologne.

I'm serious! I've done that.

"Jeremy what was all that about. This fake name your trying to pull over that girl?"

"It's nothing really."


"Yeah. You can forget about it. It's nothing important."

I knew she didn't believe me. In fact I wouldn't believe myself if I was her.

"Jeremy why are you lying to me. A relationship built on lies does not work." I raised my eyebrow at her. Was she serious? This wasn't a relationship. In fact it's more like she's my stalker because I can't go anywhere without her showing up.

I'm not given kidding. I went to the movies with Jess like 2 weeks ago, and she magically popped out. Jess laughed the entire time, while she kept trying to sit on me.

Thank you scary movies.

"Look Emily, I'm really tired I don't have time for this."

"That's okay. I'll get you something, but first you have to tell me."

"Tell you what?"

"Why did you make me call you Luke? Is she trying to find out your real identity so she can blackmail you or something?"

"What in the heavens would make you think that? It's not blackmail I swear."

"Then tell me." She moved closer to me, brushing my chest. Her lips pushed up begging me to say something, anything. I had to tell her, well my version of the story. Then she'll stop asking me all these questions and I can get back to her giving me the creepiest seductive poses ever.


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