Chapter 22

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Casey POV

It's still crazy how everything seems to be going into place, but that's not the point.

Earlier today, Aaron asked me to dance. And that's really confusing since we haven't really talked since Jeremy moved here.

He's become this overly protective guy that kinda bugs me. And it weird because we're supposed to be friends.

After the the thoughts about going with Aaron after the way he's been acting, I said I wasn't sure.

He told me he'll wait for me to be official sure, but I was. I just lied to myself, and to him. He didn't deserve for me to lie to him.

Even though I didn't want to go with him I wanted to go with Jeremy.

I walked down to Sam's locker hoping Jamie was there too, she was.

I walked down after my talk with Aaron, and told them everything. They jumped and pulled me in, but really I wanted them to stop screaming so much into my ear.

"Hello, guys I need help." I tell them.

Jamie pulls a look, as she stroke her chin. "Go with Jeremy. "

"Hello did you not hear her. She said he's going with someone else." Sam told her.

I just stood there as they kept arguing what the best decision would be for me.

And when they did. I didn't like it, but I listen.

I wish I didn't.

"Go with Aaron."

"Ya, Sam right. You guys are closer, plus you don't know if he actually like you."

I kept thinking about what she had said. She was right though. Every time Jeremy and and I talk, he made it sound like I'm so disgusting. As if he would rather have anyone else, but me.

But then there were those slight moments of silences. When we would just look at each other, but that was really it.

When I walked into my math class, the math teacher wasn't here, so I sat next to Aaron. I was going to tell him no, despite what my friends said, but it's like I couldn't.

Instead I acted like we haven't grown apart or the fact that he just stopped talking to me whenever Jeremy was around.

Jeremy stared at me the whole time. Half way into class, he walked over and sat on top of my desk, like it was nothing.

I eyed him, but he didn't move. Instead he shrugged his shoulders, and tried to engage in a conversation with Aaron.

I turn to look at the smile on Aarons face, how evil it looked.

He allowed Jeremy to talk, but when he was done, Aaron turned his entire body and made sure Jeremy heard every word that was about to come out his mouth.

Jeremy p.o.v

Aaron turned his entire body towards me, and whispered the word only for me to hear.

"I'd I were you, I'll let it go. We wouldn't want someone to know something they weren't supposed to know. "

I gave him the stink eye, and looked at the Casey. She was contemplating whether should ask me later, and ask me now.

I whispered later, and she nodded.

"So Aaron I heard your taking Casey to the dance this Friday." I asked him.

He gave me a wide smile, and I just hated it. I hated how he would do something like blackmail me just so he could get the girl. How cheap was that.

He couldn't even fight like a real man, so he's playing a cowardly game.

"Yeah, but I haven't given him my answer. " Casey told me.

I smiled a little bit knowing that he hasn't won yet, that I was still a major part of this game.

But then I look back, and think about the bet we made. The fall for you one.

I thought about how I've been feeling after the whole kissing thing, and how I even invited Jess over.

I never invite people over, and the party I told her about. A complete lie.
I don't throw the parties, I go to them.

She lives right next to me, how I'm I going to just disappeared. If I tell her the truth now, she might not go period, and I don't what her be all alone and sad because of something I wanted to keep.

When the bell rang, Casey and I walked down the stairs together as soon.

Casey snaps me back, and asked me a question. "See I wasn't sure who I should go with, so I'm asking you. Should I go with Aaron or no?"

I couldn't tell her no, she'll ask me why, and then I have to lie again. And well get deeper and deeper into the lie, that every time I talk, she looks at me funny, and I don't want that.

For the next 2 days, I want her to look at me the same. I don't want anything to change. Even though after the dance, she'll never see me, and that would be the best thing for eveyone.

"I think you should follow your heart." She stares at me in disbelief as to what I had just said.

I mentally shaped myself. Since when do I say chessy things like that. Oh that right, since I met her.

Why did I even come her in the first place? I should have chosen a different school then maybe then, everything would be all right.

I said goodbye to her as she waved me off.

I hope she chooses me. I really hope so.

What do you guys think he's going to do after the dance?

I want to thank you guys for making it to 50k reads. You guys really made my day!! Thank you guys!!

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