Chapter 26

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It took Jess a good 10 minutes to get the girl's number, while I waited in the car.

When he came back, I had already started playing games on my phone.

"So I'm guess you got her number."

"Oh course I did." I gave a small laugh at how confident he was, and drove off.

When we got to the parking lot, I stopped Jess from leaving the car.

"I talked to her."

"That's great!" He gently punched my shoulder. "What did she say?"

"Well I found out she's at the game."

"This game, cool."

"I'm surprised though. She hates watching sports."

"She's the most athletic person we know."

"I said she hates watching sports, not playing. Especially baseball, which surprises me."

"Dude, people change."

"Yeah, but this is Casey. She doesn't do change."

"Look Jeremy, when you left she did some weird things. Hanged out with different people. Lost friends. You really messed up her mind."

"Wow." I sat in thought for a moment.  "I didn't know that."

"Well now you do. So, anything else?"

"Yeah, well for starters, I told her my names Luke." He started busted out laughing.

"What's so funny?"

"Out of the entire fake names you could pick, you go with that?"

"What I was under pressure."

"No Gabriel, Alex, Matthew, or even Chase? You know what you look like a Chase."

"Dude, no. Let's just go."

We walked in and headed to the food stand, which to our luck didn't have anybody there. On our way there, I saw Casey. But the thing that hurts the most was who held her hand.

A tall dirty blond guy with blue eyes walked with her, hugging her tightly. I hated how their hands mix together so well. She was suppose to be mine. When I had enough at looking at how perfect they seemed, I walked over leaving Jess to get the food.

"Casey?" I said acting normal, as if I just saw her.

"Luke." She smiled when she said my name, and I almost blushed, but this guy was looking hard at me.

Jess walked in later, shoving a hotdog in his mouth as Casey said hi to him.

"Um Casey, who are they?"

"Oh sorry," she says patting his chest. "This is Jess, he's a high school friend, and his friend Luke." He looked at me raising an eyebrow.

"Jess, Luke, this is Chase, my boyfriend."

Jess jumped a little, drawing all our eyes on him. She turned her brown eyes back to Chase, who's eyed me the whole time, as if I have a secret agenda.

Well I do now.

"Well nice meeting you, we need to go find our seat." Chase pushed her away. He put his hand around her waist, and pulled her in. When they were farther away, he turned to me, and while giving her a kiss on the forehead. My forehead. The forehead that I should be kissing.

"Good thing you didn't say your name was Chase." Jess whispered taking a long sip from his soda, then laughing really loud that people started staring. I turned to him and look as he basically was finishing the food before we even got to our seats.

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