Chapter 4

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Curiosity was going to lead me into trouble.

After school I walked all over the school trying to find Sam. She wasn't at her locker like she normally is, so where could she be?

As  soon as I turn the corner, I looked up into familiar blue eyes. Jeremy stood there, not allowing any space between us.

His arm around my waist holding me tightly so I wouldn’t fall on the ground. Our eyes in a duel that I lose. And his legs intertwine with my leg. I felt as if I was floating in mid air. He held me so tight that I couldn't think. I couldn't explain what this was, but it just felt good.

A voice from beyond questioned this, breaking me from his hold. He let go quickly, as I fell down on the ground. Leaving my butt to hurt a lot.

"Casey?" He asked in a questioning way, as if he wasn't here with me. Right now, holding me a his side, the whole world didn't matter.

"I'm fine!" I shouted, with a hint of anger.

He stretched out out his hand, and I smack his hand away from my face, pulling myself up. "I'm fine! I don't need your help!"

He backs away, as Sam approached me. "What was that? " she asked. Looking at him as he walked away.

"Nothing." I sigh walking to my locker. "Where were you anyway? I was looking all over school! " All she did was blink repeatedly.

"I told you this morning. I was going to my counselor. I'm guess you weren't paying attention. Wonder why. " She said the last part sarcastically.

She right though. Every time I see him walk pass or even stops to go to his locker, I shrivel. My entire body starts shaking like something bad was coming.

" to Casey? " her hand waved in front of my face. Then it hit me, literally. I turn to see who punched my shoulder to the point I had to rub it.

Great. It was Jeremy. Didn't he leave like a few minutes ago?

"Why did you do that? " I asked still rubbing it. It hurt.

"I don't know? " he shrugs his shoulder with a smirk.

I'm going to punch him.

Sam tried to back me up and gently pushes Jeremy away. He moves back and pulls his hand into a fist. Ready to punch her, but Aaron ran down the hallway. He pulls Jeremy away from us, and tells him to back off.

As he walked off, I turned my head slightly to see him wink. Like what the hell?

Bipolar much?

"Are you okay?" I turns to Aaron, still rubbing.

I laugh a little, and stared into Aaron green eyes. They sparkled with a twinkle in his eye.

"Man he punches hard." Aaron smiled back, looking at the ground then at me.

"Your lucky." I stood confused.
"You have me to protect you."

I gave a short smile, "true" and then thought about it.

The obvious choice is standing right in front of me, but I wanted more.

Aaron told me he liked me when we started hanging out, like a few months ago during the summer. And I never forgot that. He was in all words the perfect guy. Great sense of humour, had an adorable laugh, protective, we have a lot of things in common, and well he's cute too.

I means he's great and all, but he just wasn'

Maybe he's too perfect. I don't know, I really don't.

Sam started giving me signs that I had literally no idea meant. When Aaron turn to her, he busted out laughing. And I couldn't say anything, or it would be too obvious.

"Anyway, enough of that awful business, and talk about me." We nodded our head. Sam loved talking, especially anything that had to do or involved 1D, and we knew exactly what was coming out of her mouth.

I didn't really hear anything they said because that was it. My mind was wrapped around what had happen moments ago. I mean he hit me with no reason. And I'm not one to take kindly to hits, unless play fighting.

But he actually hit me. If he wants to play that way, I could do it. He better hopes he's ready for me because I'm like a ninja. You don't know where I am, and when I am coming, it's too late.

The next day, I confornted this jackass. And he just sat there with a permanent grin, wrapped all over his face. Does he really think this is a joke because I'm not laughing.

No one who was there was laughing.

I started pushing him back, asking for it really. Asking him why he did it. Still no answer. Nothing to explain what happen yesterday.

When he got feed up, and quickly moved towards the door, and I ran after him. He wasn't going to get of that easy.

"Jeremy, what the hell? You can't just walk off, your going to tell me what that was yesterday. " I didn't want to draw any attention, so I literally walked right in front of him. Every time he tried to turn, I was there, right in front of him.


Anyway, his face slowly turning red, as he punches a locker. Again, my stupid self followed almost into the punch.

He stops when he sees me in close reach, eyes frightened.

Slowly, he moved both his hand to the side of me, whispering into my ear.

"I don't want to hurt you." And then the bell ring. Rushing, he ran straight into class, leaving me with a blank look on my face.

What's that suppose to mean?

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