Chapter 35

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It was the scariest thing ever. We walked in all nervous, I was more nervous than her. The doctor was a tall white lady with brown hair, but you could see the grey hair spouting out.

She took a seat, as I stood near the door while the doctor went through all the procedures and stuff about how this would go down.

That was a few days ago, now the test were in.

When we walked in, the doctor had a smile on that kinda frighten me. It could mean only two things.

Casey you're pregnant, or Casey you're not pregnant, I thought.

But she wasn't. Thank god too. It turns out the change in her eating behaviour caused her cycle to change. I didn't even know that was a thing, I guess anything is a possible really.

I waved goodbye at the doctor, as I held the door open for Casey.

"Was that so hard?" I shook my head. "You looked more scared for me."

"I wasn't. Let's go get some coffee, or in your case tea."

"I like that a lot." We walked for a while since the nearest coffee shop was like 2 blocks away.

As we walked we talked about the years that were spending without each other.

I learned her brother got married to n amazing woman, and that Aaron life changed. Apparently he got rich of an idea, but they stayed friends.

Good thing too because that would mean something else for me to worry about.

By the time we got there, her eyes became a shade darker. I turned to look the way her eyes were looking at, and I couldn't believe my eyes.

There they were hugging and kissing in the bleeding day.

Chase and Emily.

He wasn't somewhere in a business trip, he was here in California with a girl that my father thinks would be a perfect fit for our family.

Casey didn't show any emotion. All she had on was a straight face. "We don't have to go in there? We can go somewhere else."

But she shakes her head. She looks at me, and flashes a smile. "I'm perfectly fine."

"Okay?" I opened the door for her and she walks in. She flashes a smile, and heads towards the table. I fear the worst is yet to come.

Instead of acting all violent and stuff like I expected, like anyone would expect, she was calm like a cucumber.

She walked towards Chase as he took Emily's hand, but she quickly took it away. When Emily saw Casey coming, she ducked her head, and Chase didn't understand. He turned around and sat there with fear engraved in his eyes.

"Hello." She says. She takes a sit, and I follow her. She seems so normal, it's scary.


She brings her hand to his face, to stop him from explaining. We all saw what we saw, and he knew that. "Look I'm not here to cause a scene. I'm just here to polity tell you if you come anywhere near me, your be in the ground holding on to the chiseled chin of your because dear, your jawline is not going to the only thing that's on your face. If you catch what I mean."

And then she spoke. Emily had the nerve to speak. "I don't get it."

"Allow me to draw a picture." I tell her. "He will be on the ground with a black eye, and, holding on to his chin because she will punch him straight into that table. Causing that chiseled jawline to be broken too."I turned to Casey and asked, "Was that it?"

She grabbed my cheek and pinched it. "You know me so well."

"That's not possible." Emily says.

Everyone turned to her. "I don't think you should doubt her." Chase was the most frighten one. He should. He knew the girl he was dealing with. This was a mad African girl that knew her way around revenge, but didn't choose it. And let me tell you, she punches hard. I've learn from experiences.

I remember punching her, and she gave me the honour of punching me so hard, I thought my arm was broken. It wasn't, it just hurt for a couple of days. I bet if she didn't like me, it would have been a week.

The good thing was at least we knew she was all about equality.

"Why is it that guys choose to date a girl so low then the one they have?" Casey waited a good 5 seconds before answering. "No answer. Okay, I guess I'll tell you. It's because they think the good one will always wait."

"Wait this happened before?" she nodded her head yes.

"So because I was raised property."

"Well I'm not." I whispered to myself.

"I'm going to leave you here to think about what you've done." She does the same thing and pinches his cheek, but harder.

He doesn't even look at her as she talks down to him as if he was a baby. "Well I should be going. I'm off to get some ice cream."

And like that she leaves, waiting for me outside. I look at the Chase and Emily. They were perfect for each other really, but I couldn't let this go.

As soon as she leaves, I lean in closer to him and say. "Well I'm not." I grabbed his drink, and poured it all over him. He jumped up, and tries to punch me, but I beat him to it.

Everyone in the shop turns and stares at us, as I began to give him the beating of his life.

Casey ran back in, pulling me off of him as well as a few other people.

Emily runs to his side, trying to pick him up. But she couldn't, maybe it's those high heels she always wears.

But the best thing happened right after she tried, and fell down on top of him. Casey being her took of her ring and placed it on the table. "I think you're more committed to that relationship then you were with me. And to think I almost had your baby."

"Wait you're pregnant?" he looked and seemed genuinely worried, yet she spits back.

"No. It was a scare. And thank god for that too."

Emily tries to pull me away, but I wasn't done. I bend down to him and yelled in his face. "If I see you ever with her again. I'm going to mess you so much, your own mother won't even recognize you."

"Is that a threat?"

"No it's a promise." He wipes his face, as I leave the shop with my girl at my side. I stuck up my middle finger when I know she wants looking, and stuck my tounge out too.

I won't lie, I enjoy beating the shit out of him. I would have done more, but Casey stopped me. It's not like I cared what people thought about me.

They didn't know the situation, so they couldn't judge. Besides, I know at leat half of them would have rooted for me if they knew what was really up.

Closing the door behind us, she took my hand.

"You know you didn't have to do that. I was going to get him back."

"I was afraid you'd poison him or something." She laughs, but looks away.

I walked her to my car, and drove all the way to my house. We didn't talk. I opened my door for her, and she sat on the couch.

I figured since all had happen today, that I would put on something she loved to watch. And knowing me, I remember.

We sat there watching 10 things I hate about you, as she kept saying how hot Heath Ledger was. I laughed at every comment that she made. About how perfect Kat and Patrick were, and how she smiled like Kat.

She really did.

Casey buried her head into my chest and I felt like I was on cloud 9.

"Thank you by the way. I never said it."

I lean in and kissed her forehead. "When you gave him the ring, you did. You just didn't know it."

I hope you guys like what Jeremy did?
And who has seen 10 things I hate about you?
It's finally on Netflix! I'm so excited!
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