Chapter 28

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I have no idea what just happen. Maybe Jess was right, she did change. I walked down back to my office, but instead I ran into the most annoying person ever.


Emily Castaway didn't know the term leave me alone because she was everywhere. She was that girl that thought she could get anything, by just waving a few of her female parts.

She stood at average height, at 5'5. She was a blonde with brown eyes. And the way she looked at me with those eyes, made me what to hurdle. It looked like she was stripping me with her eyes.

"Jeremy!' she squealed like a schoolgirl. "Just the person I was looking for."

"What is it now Emily? I was actually heading to my office."

"Great, I'll accompany you!" she walked with me to the elevator, clicking those heels of hers.

If only I could call Jess, he knew what to do. Usually he would cut her off, by blocking her view of me, and that would give me enough time to run and hide in the storage closet, or any closet in the matter. As long as I was away from her.

It's not like she actually got the jobs because he was acknowledgeable of what we do here. It's because our parents are friends. And if they weren't. She would have been long gone.

When the elevator open, my luck just doubled, Jess looked at me and then at her. I didn't even know she was still talking until Jess open the door.

I really hope jess could do something, at least for now.

"Emily, is that a new dress." I looked at Jess who seemed to be working his magic. He was actually helping me.

Thank the heavens.

"Well actually this was last year's collection, I just added me to the picture."

"Really, and that hair." He waved for me to get off when the door open again. She tried to turn, but Jess started talking about her shoes. Now I feel bad. We all know he's going to be talking about her shoes for a good 10 minutes.

When I was out, I turn the corner to the nearest closest. When I opened it, there was a girl hiding in there. And with my luck, it had to be her.



"What are you doing in the closet?" I asked her. She looked confused as well. The tears that she had early were nowhere to be seen. She looked normal, as if she didn't break down on me in the middle of the street.

"What are you doing here?"

A woman's voice called my name, and I knew exactly who it was. I quickly rushed in pushing her back into the closet.

"What are you doing?" she asked. She looked me in dead in my eye.

"Be quite, she'll find me."

She leaned in whispering. "Who?" there were barely any space between us cramped in that little closet, but this felt good.

"Emily. She's bate shit crazy."

"Your hiding from a girl?"

"Yeah, you would if you value personal space."

"I mean it's already taken up by you."

I smirked at her. "Why are you here anyway?"

"Interview." I nodded my head.

"Really, where?"

"Assistant. The lady that was showing me scared me, so I went to hide." I gave her a smirk, she's so adorable. Assistant it is. She was going to work for me. I like that. I like that a lot. But then it dawned to me, that wouldn't be fair.

I couldn't use my powers for evil. If she deserved it, she gets it. All I have to do is tell someone that's not biases to look over all those who applied form.

Yeah that could work.

"Luke, you wouldn't know where room 212 is?" I turned to stare at her beautiful brown eyes. God I could just stare at them forever.

And with that the door opened.

There she was. Emily stood there eyeing Casey and then me. "What's going on here?"

"I was helping her looking for room 212."

"Oh your..." Her face scrunched up a bit.

"Yes my room. Luke's room."

I walked out of the closet with her following me out. I looked down the hall where my office was. My name was planted right there on the door way. I had to think quickly. Jess would be here any minute and well, he would probably say my name.

And right now I'm not sure what Emily is thinking. She has that confused face that's also a little scary, as if she's planning Casey's death.

All I could hope for is that she goes along with the plan, that I hope she'll understand. Just have to leave a few parts out though.

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