Chapter 34

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"Wait what?" I couldn't believe my ears. Did she really know and not tell me?

"I knew that moment at the bar it was you."

"How? I changed my name, and my hair. It's different!"

"But your eyes aren't. I know that shade of blue anyway I go. Its different yet the same as everyone. Plus there's the fact that you look like you, just blond. Besides I could see your blond roots every time I pushed your hair back. And even though you changed your name, I saw you sweat it out. You were thinking so hard about what Jamie was saying."

"And you still gave me a chance. Why is that?"

"Because I can't keep living in the past. Like the saying goes, forgive and forget." I agree with that. I could have just said this from the beginning.

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Well I wanted you to sweat it, but I didn't know you would take it to a whole new level. You literally made everyone call you Luke whenever I was around. Especially the fact that you changed your office plat. That was the best."

For the first time since she came, she laughed. Her laugh echoed through my ears, as I smiled at this beautiful sight.

"That was pretty funny."

"Yeah." I took her hand in mine, and slowly I began to rub it. "Casey?"


"If you knew all along, why did you say yes?"

"Jeremy I want a family, okay. And there's the fact that you didn't tell me. I felt like it was your place to tell me, instead of me blowing up whatever it was that you had in mind."

Why did she have to make so much sense? Why couldn't she be like every one else I ever dated, and make a mistake? You know why...because I had to fall for the perfect girl.

"So...I'm guessing the secrets out."

"Yeah. Everyone knew."

As I was about to ask her something, I paused. Everyone knew? "Did you tell Chase?"

"Obviously I had to. He was my boyfriend."

I gave a small laugh that frightened her a little bit. "Jeremy are you okay."

"Yeah. I guess I have to get used to you calling me that instead of Luke." Which was mostly true, it just wasn't all of it.

I was stuck on the fact that she told Chase. So I wasn't crazy. He felt threaten. He should too because by the end of this month the table will have turned on him.

All of a sudden, my mind changed. And my words sounded so cold towards her. "Why are you here?"


She sighs, bowing her head. "Jeremy, I think I'm pregnant."

I stopped instantly. Why does this always happen? Something good happens and then she comes along and changes it all.

I turned my entire body to face my front, cross my arms, and bow my head. "Why do you think that?"

"Because I've missed my period, and it always comes at this time."

"Does he know?"

"Well I wanted to make sure first, before anything. That's why I came here other than to bring the news."

I couldn't look at her when she said that. Sam was a good person, even though she could be bossy, she would never do anything to jeopardise a friendship.

"Why do you need my help?"

"No one, not even my Jamie or Sarah know. The only person I told was Sam, and well you know. So I need you to come with me to the doctors to make sure."

"Why can't you take the test like a normal person?"

She rolls her eyes at me. "Have you not met me? My parents would flip if they found out I was in fact... pregnant. Besides I like to be on the safe side."

"All you have to do is pee on a stick."

"Jeremy!" I turned to her. Her eyes pleading for me. "Please!"

"Okay. Fine. Only because I know you."

She smiles at me, and pulls me into a hug. The things I would do for her.

My god, I'm like a love sick puppy.

Do you guys think she pregnant?
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