Chapter 40

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Everyone that I could remember and more were here. Some painted a face that clearly fake, while other seemed to be in pity.

Funeral were the worst. Not because you're saying goodbye, it was because of the people that were there. People from all the likes and kind.

I saw Erica, a girl that I knew despised Sam, but she played it out so well people though she liked her.

To my right there were the gossipers all grown up, and still gossiping. I was just happy that Sam never let them get to her.

And to my left was...Aaron?

Instantly when we made eye contact, he rushed over looking all different. He got talker, and I hate to admit it but he got better looking.

He obviously wire a black suit, but his hair was slick back, as a single strain laid in front of his face.

I felt like I needed backup, but Casey wasn't around. She was busy talking to Sam's parents and her brother too.

He approached me with a tilted head. "Jeremy?" he asked.

I nodded, looking away, hoping that he got the memo that I didn't want to talk to him.

"Wow it's been years. How did you..." I turn my attention to Casey who was still talking. I gave her a mental note to turn around and she did. Aaron followed my eyes, as Casey turned around.

"Oh. It actually happened."

"What happen?"

"You finally got the girl."

I nodded, "yeah. Something like that."

"Hey look, I'm sorry about what happen between us back then."

He stood out his hand for me to shake. "It's okay."

"Personally I don't like you, but I like Casey. And not in that term, I mean as a friend. I got to realizing that she was right. It wouldn't work. Besides I rather be friends with her than ruin a perfectly good relationship."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I get that were all here to say our final wishes, but I really don't think you should be here."

"And why is that?"

"Sam hated you. If it wasn't for you I'm pretty sure Casey wouldn't have moved all the way down to a place that she would have never gone to if it wasn't for you. But let's let by-gone be by-gone. "

Now I know why I hated him. He thinks he knows everything. There's only room for one person like that, and that was me.

I saw this as a perfect chance to clear the air of everything. All the rumours that I'm pretty sure he started, as well as the whole secret thing.

"How did you know about my secret?"

He shakes his head. "If you're going to change how you look, don't make it look like one of your characters that you play. It doesn't work like that."

Wow I'm an idiot. I really didn't think that I copied one of my old characters on tv. "I'm an idiot."

"That's what I keep saying." All of a sudden, he pulls up a fake smile, as I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Is everything going alright." I flashed a smile at her, and she nods walking away.

"I have to say you did good coming back. a lot of people hated you after that. I mean Casey wasn't that popular and she wasn't that unpopular. She knew people, and people liked her, and she still does."

"I get it!" I shouted throwing my hands in the air. "I hurt you, everyone been telling me that since I got here. And I'm sick of it. I'm not going to leave her, okay! So you and your buddies can forget about what every your thinking, because I have plans of my own."

"And what would that be?" He gives me an smile.

"I'm going to marry her!"

He claps his hands slowly revealing an evil grin. "It took you long enough." And then he...he left.

Just as he came, he left.

What just happen???

I walked over and took my assigned seat right in the middle, as Casey and all of Sam's closest friends sat in the front.

The funeral lasted for almost an hour, with people giving speeches about who Sam was as a person.

When we got home, everyone was silent. All you could here was the cold breeze push pass the house, as everyone fell to their rooms.

I sat in the kitchen thinking about life in general. Well that was until John came.

He went straight to the kitchen, ignoring my presences.

"Hi." I said.

He holds up the bottle of milk, and looks around for something else to eat. "I'm just getting milk for Casey, and something. Then you can sit there, and do whatever you were doing."


"Don't talk to me." He walks out the door, and I'm all alone again.

He comes back, but this time Casey follows. I jump out of my seat and walk towards her. "He brought the wrong milk." She tells me.

"No I didn't. You drink the wrong milk."

"Because that makes perfect sense."He rolls his eyes at her, and begins to leave again, but he stops.

"Jeremy I'm sorry I gave you a hard time. Aaron told me what he said, and I give you my blessing."

"John, that's dad's job."

"Also mine, duh." She gives out a sigh, and crossing her arms. "Continue."

"Thank you. As I was saying before I was rudely interrupted, you have my blessing. Just know if you leaves again, I'll kill him, jk." He moves closer, patting my back. He mouths the words, "not kidding, jk, not kidding."

I look over at Casey, as he process to leave the kitchen, and this time he doesn't come back.

"He's not kidded you know." she tells me.

I sigh looking down."Yeah I figured."

I have decided to write an epilogue, so I hope you guys like it. Oh and you guys finally get to know how Aaron knew his secret.

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