Chapter 25

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Jeremy POV

I was sitting on a stool talking to the bartender, and a one of my best friends too, Steve. I was waiting for Jess to meet me here, so we could to the baseball game, and he was taken forever.

I asked Steven for a beer, when I turn to the door hearing the chimes.

It wasn't him.

Instead it was someone familiar. I watched as the group of 3 girls walked towards the closest table to the door, and sat down.

When the tall black girl sat down, memories flowed through my mind.

"Casey..." I whispered her name, as I watch her face lighten up, as she talked to the girls.

Steven walked down handling me a drink, but saw my expression. My eyes were on her the entire time, but I had to make sure.

I had to make sure I wasn't dreaming when I saw her walk back into my life.

"Is that her?" Steven pointed towards the girl next to her. The one a shade lighter than her, but I shook my head.

What were the odds that I see her again. The last time I saw her was in Chicago, and I doubt that she would move all the way down to California.

But hey, that was 8 years ago. I don't know her anymore.

"Do you want me to find out?" I shook my head, but it was too late. Steven had ran to the microphone, and said "Is there a Casey here?"

She turned her head toward Steven, who ran his hand through his brown hair picking up the phone, and placing it down on the counter. When she walked over to the bar, she nodded her head in confusion.

"I'm Casey." Steven turned to look at her, stripping her down mentally. His mouth wide open, as she became more uncomfortable, pulling her shirt up. "Hello?"

He brought his eye towards her, and picked up the phone. "I'm sorry, but they hanged up."

She smiled at him, and turn my way, raising her eyebrows up.

"Hi." I raised my drink to her, as she quickly walked back to her table. She shook her head, and took her seat.

Jess walked in a few minutes later, as she looked ready to leave.

She stared at him as he walked up to me. Then our eyes met. She quickly looked down again.

"Sup Steven." Jess waved Steven down, and I came back into the conversation. "What's up with him?"

"He just saw Casey."

"Oh really. The last time I saw her was like 3 weeks ago." I punched his shoulder. "Ow!"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"It's not like the thought came to me. I just came up to her and said hi, and was my normal charming self." He turned to look at her picking up her bag. "And from the looks of it, you should get up now."

I turned her way. My mind went one way, as my feet walked towards them. I opened the door, and it hit her foot. She jumped up, trying to not look like she was in pain, when really she was.

This was already going so well.

"I'm sorry. Truly I am." I closed the door behind us, slamming it behind her friends.

"It's fine really." When her eyes looked to my eyes, she gave me the same confused look.

"I'm sorry, but you look like someone I know. I'm Casey."

"Luke." The name came out as I stood out my hand for a handshake.

"Oh. Never mind then." She turned towards the girls that finally walked out the café.

"Casey, are you alright?" they looked worried, but then one of the girls turned my way. It was Jamie. After all these years I could still remember her. I haven't seen her, but have talked on the phone with her like 2 years ago, and that was only because my mum called me over.

"Jeremy?" Jamie and the girl next to her looked at Casey.

"It's actually Luke." I looked different from the last time they saw me. My hair for started was my natural color, blond.

"Yeah, besides Jeremy had black hair." I nodded, as the girls looked at me with worried eyes.

"Okay 'Luke.' I'm Jamie, and this is Sarah."

Good thing I was a good actor because she fell for it. "Okay?" her smile diminished as I looked over to Casey.

"You know, Casey will bring the car around." Jamie said, pulling Sarah with her.

"Where are you going?"

"A game."

"You wouldn't be heading to the stadium?"

"Yeah, baseball." She scoffed at that.

"What you don't like baseball? It's the pastime of America before Football."

"I'm only going because my..." she looked at her friends that hunched at her.

"Casey we're going to be late. Get his number and get it over with." I laughed at that girl Sarah.

She was a step up from Sam. Casey glared at Sarah, who got hit in the hit by Jamie.

"Sorry, my friends they don't..."

"Maybe I should call you. Can I have your phone?" she reached into her purse, and pulled out her phone. I put in my number, and gave it back to her.

As our hands met, Jamie honked again.

"I should go."

I nodded, " I hope I can see you later." But she didn't hear me. She was already in the car.

I walked in to see Jess picking up this girl with blonde hair, as she giggles uncontrollable with him. I rolled my eyes and set my car keys on the counter.

"Are you ready yet?"

"Yeah, give me 5 minutes."

I hope you guys like it.

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