Chapter 3

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I only had 3 class with him, including lunch. And so far I was letting him into my head.

Man I need a break.

When I walked into my 3th period math class, Mr. S decided to switch seats. It was a Wednesday! Since when do we switch seats on a Wednesday.

I sigh hopping my luck could help me out of this.

"Casey take the available seat next to Jeremy." My mouth dropped, as I eyed him.

He can't honestly think this is a good idea. I've been getting into trouble in this class ever since he came. It's like he wants to get to me.

If I wore a hat, he had to. Which meant no hat for me. If I did anything, he had to do it too. Like could he do something original and not copy me. That's a sure way of making me hate you.

When I sat down, he busted out laughing. Everyone stared, so I followed. It was a really bad fake laugh. I didn't want people to look at me, I was already a joke. And I mean that in a "I make every one laugh" type of way.

He stops laughing. "What are you doing?"

"Trying not to draw too much attention." I whispered back.

He shrug his shoulders," I don't mine."
"Casey!" Here we go again. I turn my eyes towards Mr. S. He stood there, shaking his head.

I turn my head to a quietly laughing boy, and rolled my eyes.

"I don't know." I said.

" Well maybe if you and Mr. Winch paid more attention to the lesson and stop this tomfoolery."

"Sorry sir." Jeremy said. I on the other hand pulled my face down and turn to find Aaron. When you needed help, no one's there.

Great!  I forgot he went to the bathroom.  Now who am I supposed to complain to by whispering in this class.

Susan, a tall skinny white girl with brown hair and blue eyes started passing out a worksheet we were suppose to do alone and then partner up later in 5 minutes.

Those 5 minutes felt like hours, I literally almost fell asleep. And I was drawing!

He taps me on my shoulder, and I turn my head. I stare deep into his blue eyes as they started to dilate.

His mouth started moving, but I didn't hear a word he said. All I could do was stare deep into those beautiful eyes of his. I snapped out of it when he started waving his hand in my face.

"Huh, what did you say?" I asked.

" What did you get for number 1?"

"Well I got 29.3 repeating."

He smiles, "I got that too."

I stop him before he could ask about the second one. "This is boring. " I whisper.

"You're telling me. What up with you anyway?" He grinned at me.

"What are you talking about?"

"What's your favorite subject?"

I looked at him thinking really hard. Should I just tell him or make it complicated. I'll make it complicated.

"Can't you tell, I love math." Hense the sarcastim in love.

"Yeah right. I saw you drawing over there. You're really good."

"Thank you." He actually being nice for a change. Maybe I've been overreacting. "What about you? "

"I thought it was pretty obvious. I'm more of a musical person."

"Oh, you play an instrument?" He laughed quickly arching his eyebrows.

"No. I just like music. I'm not in anyway musical talented." I laughed too.

A knock come from the door and Mrs. Green asked to talk to Mr. S. He walked quickly as Jeremy started singing proving to the entire class he couldn't sing.

He sang the little mermaid, "I wish I could be, part of that world."  Everyone started cracking up, and I began to sing along.

He stopped and looked at me crazy. "What are you doing?" He asked as if he doesn't see.

"I'm singing with you?"

"Stop yourself, people don't want to hear that." I frown looking away. I could sing and I knew that. Then Mr. S walked in all happy and stuff.

And to think I thought he was nice, just for him to make me feel like shit again. Stupid, really.

When I turn around, a crumpled up sheet of paper hit me in the eye. I turned to see who that was, Aaron.

Thank god. He's back.

My eyes skim thought it.
"You okay? Throw it back when your done."

I scribbled down some words, and threw it back. "I'm good, just thought he was nice for a second. "

He throws it back.

"Guys like that don't know the difference between good and bad. I think you should stay away from him as much as possible."

"Why?" He throw the sheet back.

"Trust me there something he's not telling anyone." I turn to him as he started nodding his head.

Maybe Aaron right he's always right. Now I wish he didn't tell me because now it was up to me and Sam to find out.

What do you think he's hidding?
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