Chapter 27

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To think my best friend would do that to me, was unbelievable. I could not fathom what had been done the last 8 years that I had seen any of them, especially Casey.

The fact that she became so different was a shock. What if I had destroyed the girl that I loved, and made her into something else, something unlikable. Someone mean.

It's not like she couldn't be mean, it's just that you wouldn't expect it. She would always take anything, and I mean anything. She was that strong, I just how I don't break her.

When people made fun for who she was, she laughed along as if she wasn't hurting her in the inside. When people commented on her hair, and how it couldn't be real, she laughed at it. She faked so much emotion just to get by, and she never told anyone.

I could always tell, by the instant laugh, or the way she scrunched up her nose, and then became quite all of a sudden. She didn't want anyone to know.

And that one simply fact maybe the reason she changed. Maybe the fact that I left her, made her think twice about life.

I know it sounds as if I'm the most important thing, but the way Jess talked about her made me wonder exactly what did I do to her?

I could have possible unleashed the greatest hell of anyone's scorn.

My mind dropped back to when Jess talked about dropping people. The only person that came to mine was Sam. I hadn't seen Sam with her, but that other girl.

And then there was the fact that she broke up with Jess just because of me. Someone she hasn't seen fit years over something that's was there basically every day if her life. Just because he had remained her of me. To be honest, I'm thrilled, but at the same time I felt guilty. I should.

I had ruin that chance for Casey and Jess to be together, but I also save what could be the biggest mistake of her life. Jess was a player, and everyone knew that. If he actually said he had real feeling for her, I wouldn't believe him. Mainly because when we were in high school, he had a new fuel every week. And knowing that Casey was probably part of that rotation is messing with my head.

He would probably end up hurting her more than I did. She chose right.

I walked down the long hallway of company when Jess strolled through the front door. I didn't expect him to come to work, especially after that fight, but he did.

And yes I did hire my best friend. Jess was smart. Stoned most of the time in high school, but smart. He knew the way to the client's heart, especially how to pitch a movie idea.

I set aside the whole acting thing, and decide to stay more in directing. At least then I could tell people what to say, and they would do it. Of course making sure it was appropriate, I did have Jess around to help.

After a while, I decided to go down to the coffee shop, white rabbit. It was my usual place when I needed to just think, or basically get away from my normally busy life.

When I go there, a tall girl was sitting in my booth, typing away on her laptop. All I could see was their dark brown hair over the booth. I walked over to her, and slipped in, as her attention was still on the screen.

"Are you lost? This seat taken." She said. I looked at her features. Her skin a dark shade while she had on glasses like harry potter over them, but a golden colour.

"Yeah it is, by me."

She laughed a little finding me funny.

"I'm actually being serious, I've been sitting here for the last 2 years."

"Really, and why haven't I seen you here before?"

"Because I usually come later in the day." She laughed again. She looked up from the screen and I had finally seen her face. Casey sat there with a confused smile on her face.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know." I slide out of the booth, until a hand reach to grab my hand.

"Stay." I went back, looking at her. She closed her laptop and folded her arms.

For a while, she sat there staring at me. I kinda got unconformable.

"I'm sorry, but you look so familiar."

"I get that a lot."

"Luke, right." I nodded. "Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah anything."

"You remind me of someone I once knew."

"Casey does this have anything to do with what your friend said. Something about a Jeremy." I can't believe I'm going along with this.

She nodded. "Ya. You see your face reminds me so much of him, and I'm not sure if..."

"Casey what are you talking about?"

"I think I made a mistake." She quickly got up and stuffs all her things in her bag. She rushed out the door, before I could even move.

When I got outside, I could see her walking down the street. I rush after her, pulling her aside. "Casey!" she shook her head. Tears began to fall down as she tried to hide her face.

"Luke I'm sorry, but I have to go."

She put herself together, as I tried to pull her into my arms. "I'm sorry."

I yelled after her. "What did I do?" But she didn't turn. She headed straight down, and out of my sight.

That was the end of it. She left me at the corner thinking about what just happened.

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