Chapter 2

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As days past, his hostility towards me grew. I still have no idea on what I did wrong. All I ever did was look at him, and give him his personal space. He would make me made and angry like every time I see him. From the look of it, he sure needed to cool of what every it was that I supposedly did.

Today was the day we actually talk. Well not really talk, but it was close enough. It was lunch as Jamie and I walked over to our small table of girls, only to be stopped by Jeremy himself. He eyed me than smiled at Jamie.

Like what did I do this time, oh wait nothing!

"Do we have reading homework?" I stood there, invisible to this conversation.

"You know we have it after lunch," I answered him. He turned his eyes towards me with a evil glare, "I wasn't talking to you."

"I wouldn't either, but your blocking our way to our table. "

"Sassy, I like that."

"Stop yourself. " I pushed passed him and left. I wasn't a few feet away, that I heard him.

"Who is she anyway?" I would have turn and say something, but I feel it was best to leave this situation the way i just did.

Jamie ran over, basically throwing her tray down next to mine. "What was that?" She shouted. I ignored her, picking at my food.

"You like him!" I rolled my eyes.

Why would I like a guy like that?

He seemed to have made his mind up about who I was before actually getting to know me. If that's what she thinks I like, then she's wrong. He's whole adittude towards me made me sick. I had done nothing to him, yet here he was. He acted like a douche. I bet he's just another angry piss of teen that was mad at the world.

"Could you stop that?" I couldn't take all of this raving about something that clearly wasn't there.

"Yap, she does." I turned my head directly at Angel, who clearly knew not of what she said. All through lunch it was the talks.

Do you like him?
Oh someone had a crush?
You should tell him?

Do these people know me at all?

It irritated me so much that I couldn't even bear it any longer. I stood up and sigh, everyone still staring. I turned my body and headed to the library. To my convenience, he was there.

I sat 2 tables down, but he could still see me. He stared with his phone in his hand.

I would expect him to leave, or pretend that I wasn't there, but instead he walked over to me. As if today wasn't weird at all, like we were... buddies.

"Hey," he sat down looking at his phone. I turned around to see if anyone else was behind me or something.

I mean he was actually talking to me, and he wasn't being rude. I must be dreaming.

I slapped myself, for him to stare at me crazy.

"What, I had to make sure this wasn't a dream." Now I know he felt weird out.

I explain myself, " I mean we don't talk."

He nodded, still confused. "Okay? What does that have to do with you slapping yourself or anything? "

"You know this..."

His blue eyes looked at me curious. Jeremy moving closer, towards me to hear what was going to come put off my mouth next, but I stopped myself.

"What are you talking about?" He asked.

"Never mind." I packed up my stuff and left. It was only 2 minutes left anyway so it wouldn't technical be rude of me too leave.

He watched me walk towards the door and wait for the bell to rang.

If I was to be honest, things would have gone a little bit better. If only I saw that when I could.

She could have handled that better. What do you think?

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I Can't Stand You {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now