chapter 31

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A few days passed, and no word from her or Jess. I shouldn't get my hopes up. When the time comes, he'll tell me and maybe, just maybe everything will be alright.

I was on my way to my stupid family reunion that we had every 3 months. Usually it was just an excuse for the men of the family to brag about their self accomplishments.

I don't think I fit in that category.

On my way there, I stopped for something to drink, fanta. I stared at the bottle in my hand and remember why I even started drinking it.

It seems like everything that I have become has been effected by my pass self.

My mind faded back to all those times she would buy the orange fanta. I wasn't really into drinking soda, but that one time she laughed so hard it almost came out her nose changed that.

Good times.

I walked around to cash register, and there they were. There she was with that so called boyfriend. I pay for my drink, and walked out until she screamed my name.

I turned around acting like I didn't see them. They walked up to me and she gave me a hug. Chase or whatever just stood there smiling like crazy. I wish I could give him something to smile about.

"Hey..." He said taking my hand into a firm handshake, trying to remember my name.

"Its Luke."

"Oh right." I took back my hand, opened my fanta and took a small sip.

"Well... nice to see you." I said about to turn around. Chase whispered something into Casey's ear about a party, but I didn't have all the time. I began to head to my car when Casey brought her hand to my shoulder pulling me back.

"I almost forgot to tell you about the party. Did Jess tell you?"

"No, tell me what?" I raised an eyebrow at her and Chase. His face didn't change.

"Well we're having a party and Chase wanted to invite you guys, Jess and you over. Do you think you can make it?"

"I really don't know."

"Come on man, you wouldn't want to miss this." He said. Why was he all of a sudden being nice to me? What was he up to?

"Okay. Maybe I'll go."

"Great! You wouldn't want to miss this. It's heart stopping."

"I guess so. He keeps telling me it's going to be big." Casey interrupted.

"Oh, and it's a private party." I nodded at both of them walking away.

Party my ass.

I drove down to my Uncle Sam's house. Everyone was there with their family ready to tell all their stories. They were ready with all their new stories about how amazing their new companies were doing.

I walked to the back to get away from all of them, but Uncle Sam knew exactly where to find me. He walked over to me and gave me a big hug that it crushed some parts of my back.

"Jeremy how are you?"

"Good, how are you Uncle Sam?" I chocked, trying to catch my breath.

"I'm doing good. I'm doing good. See son we need to talk." He put his arm around me, and we started walking towards the grill. He looked disapproved in something, but I shouldn't ask.

"Jeremy, what is this I hear about another girl?" Great this is what he wanted to talk to me about. Emily of all people. She's such a teller tatter.

"What about it?"

"She telling your father and I about this new girl name..."


"Yeah, her. You're hurting her."

"Uncle Sam you of all people know I don't love her, in fact I don't even like her, and I never will."

"Is this the same girl from the high school?" I nodded. "Why don't you just marry Emily, and keep Casey. You know..."

"No I don't."

"Like a mistress or something. You're rich enough too."

"Is that what you and dad do?"

"Hell no! Do you not know your aunt and your mom. We'll be dead before we leave the house with that thought."

"Then why are you telling me to d something that you would never do?"

"Look. I'm doing the best from everyone."

"Except for the people who actually being affected here. First of all I love Casey, and Emily just going to have to learn to live with that. Second of all she need to stop being a little bitch and daddy's little princess to see I never had any feelings for her."


"Uncle Sam I'm sorry, but that's never going to happen."

"It's okay. I said what I was told too, but your mind made up. She's lucky, this Casey she is."

I nodded. "Yeah she is. Too bad she's with that dude."

He looked at me surprised. "She's not with you?"

I shook my head.

"And you love her?"

"Yeah. It's not that. It's just that I'm not sure if she likes me anymore."

"But she was in a closet with you."

I shook my head with a small laugh. "It's not like that. I told her my name is Luke."

"Well dumbass you have to tell her."

"Yeah I am. Jess is going to help me with that. He's going to find out if she's mad or okay with it."

"No offense, but fuck Jess. That's a stupid idea. Didn't he go out with her?"

"Yeah." I'm starting to wonder how he knows so much about this whole thing. I mean he's my favorite uncle and everything, but did I really tell him this much?

"Well then you need to tell her and soon."

"What if she's mad?"

"Of course she'll be mad! Who wouldn't! It's just that you have to tell her before Jess tells her, because if he does. Then you can kiss her goodbye."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean. He's going to take this chance to get on her good side and who knows what's next. I know he's your best friend and all but it's now or never."

"You're right, I'll tell her at her party."

"Good." We stood there as Scarlett my sister bought 2 drinks for us. After a while of drinking someone called us.


"Which one?" Uncle Sam shouted back.

"Sam Winchester, Amy is calling you." He handed me his drink, and smiled walking away. "Tell her!"

"I will!"

Do you guys agree with his uncle Sam or his best friend Jess?

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