Chapter 33

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I stayed at home for the longest. I would have thought that this would be so easy, but here I was. God why me? Why her?

I laid on my bed until Steven found me. I haven't been down at the bar for a while, and here he was. Trying to comfort me.

He jumped on my bed, shaking me uncontrollably.

"Do you feel better now?"

"No!" I shouted into my pillow.

"And people say guys don't have hearts."

I ignored his statement. "Why are you here anyway?"

"I have some good news and bad news."

"And that is?"

"I think you might want to sit up for this." He pats the bed, and I move down, sitting next to him. All I had on was my underwear, and my socks on

Steven sighs. "Do you remember when she came for that interview?"

"Yeah, how could I."

"Well you see. Jess just told me that she um...she got the job." He whispered the last part.

I jumped up, and started pacing around my room. "When did this happen?"

"Well he said he was going to tell you at the dinner, but then things...happened."

"Yeah I was there. She got engaged to a dick!"

"Jeremy maybe it not meant to be. Did you ever think of that?"

I moved closer to him, right in his face. "The signs are all there. She could have gone to any bar that day, any game that day, but she didn't."

"Dude you're scaring me."

I composed myself, and sat on my bed. "God this means I'm going to be seeing her every day."

"Now I'm confused."

"I did some things before I left that night."

Steven nodded his head. He knew I didn't want to talk about it, so he changed the subject.

"Do you want to hear the bad news?"

"That wasn't the bad news?"

He shakes his head no. "The bad news is that your dad is coming. So you need to get to work, like now."


My loving father that barely sees me, unless it was for business, or to scold me was coming down to my office.

I rushed out of my room to the bathroom. It took me a at least 10 minutes to get ready. When I was about to leave, I saw Steven eating the forbidden cereal. I walked over to him, and he jumped.

"That's my frosted flakes!"

"And as a good friend I made some for you, but considering that you are going to be rushing, I had to eat something. But here."

He hands me a rice crispy bar, and I just eyed him. "Thanks."

"You're welcome! Oh and I'm driving." I didn't feel like arguing with him, so I allowed it.

When we got down to the office, I was way too thrilled. Steven left telling me he had to pick up a girl or something, so I allowed it. As long as he was here to pick me up.

I walked up, and avoided all eye contact from anyone that looked my way.

Alex at the front desk said, "Mr. Winchester. Your fathers in." I gave a small smile at her, and walked away.

I Can't Stand You {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now