Chapter 21

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Casey POV

Lately I've been getting the same question about why I haven't been hanging out with Jeremy. It's not my fault really, it was both of ours.

I knew what would happen if we just hanged out like that. I mean I saw it from a mile away. I just let it happen.

Plus he tricked me into this. And for a second, I genuinely thought he cared, but that was only a second.

As I brush pass my brother, and head down to the train, there he was. Waiting at his car, as if I would ride with him.

He walked towards me with a smile on his face, but it wasn't an ordinary smile. It was more forced then genuine.

"I thought I could drive you to school."

I shook my head at his kind jester. "No I'm good."

As I began to walk to the train, he runs to his car and grabs his backpack, and follows me.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I'm taking the train. Is that so hard to believe? "

"Yes, what about your car?"

"Look, I feel like we need to set things straight. I can't be always guessing what your thinking! It's exhausting!"

At that moment, I felt weak. I looked into his piecing blue eyes that seem to stare into my soul.

And for that, we stood there in our little time zone before my alarm for 7:30 rang.

"Are we going to go, or are you going to stand there and look at my face?"

"What?" I jumped. We started walking as I tried to understand what he was saying.

"Ya, you were eyeing me."

"You're funny." He grabs my arm and pulls me towards him. Again why does he do that. He knew the kind of effect that it has on me.

He turns to see his car, we've barely walked a few feet away, because his car was still visible.

"You know, the train is another 5 minutes walk from here. Why don't  I take you there?" I nodded in agreement.

So we walked the few feet into his car, and drove to school.

It was are normal comfortable silence, until he begins to speak. Since when do we talk. We normal just sit there, and I just stare out the window singing.

"Since I have you here, let's talk about us."

"Again what is this us?" He rolls his eyes at me, and clenched the steering wheel.

"I mean the dance is coming up, and I though since neither one of us has an official date, we could go together."

"The spring dance? The one a month from now." He nods.

"You dancing, at a dance, with people? " he looked at me as if I didn't understand the plain language.

"Wait, what do you mean official date?" I raised my hand to make air quotes around those words.

"I mean...this girl asked me like 2 days ago, and I wasn't sure if I should go with her, so I'm coming up with a plan."

"Another one, how good. And what  this one going to be?"

"If we both don't have dates for the dance, well go together."

"And what if I don't, and you do, which you already do?"

"Then I'll drop her, and go with you." I stopped myself and looked out the windows. "You can't do that. That will hurt her."

"Okay, then what..."

"How about we go as friends, and stay that way. No more interesting things happening, unless it involves big news, and..."

He turns to me with a scary look on his face. "Look, I want to tell you something. You see after the dance I'm...."

"Hold that thought." I pull out my phone, and read the text I just recived.

"Hey, Aaron just asked me. Should I go?"

He waits for a second, before nodding. It's really funny. First he asked me, and then Aaron does. Maybe I shouldn't go, after all Jeremy did ask me first. Even if it was like a minute before.

"Okay? Anyway, you were saying. "

"Oh, that. I was just saying I'm might...throw a party. Ya!"

"After the dance?" I questioned.

"Ya, the best party's ever! Trust me, you won't forget it." He partially screams it at me, but whispered the last part.

He's hiding something, and I have every intention of finding out.

What do you think he's hidding?
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