Chapter 10

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Here I am pretending he doesn't exist. It's been 2 days now, and I haven't talked to him. I'm just doing what he wanted in the first place.

But now I feel bad. I don't know why I should be feeling this when he did it. He started it. When he caused this to begin with.

I was just the victim here.

Still, the problem was there. I'm not trying to sound self involved because that's far from the truth. I just like to know that everyone liked me. And that included him.

So today off all days, I decided to talk to him. Because it was obvious that he wasn't going to be the bigger person in this situation.

I got to school early in the morning. This isn't normal because I'm usually a late bloomer.

I walked up to the second floor where my locker was and waited until I saw him. Good thing for me was that I saw some people to talk to while I waited.

Jamie and Sam were laughing their butt off until they saw me. They just had to walk over and bear hug me. Which I do not like. I don't like hugs, or a lot of things.

I'm really picky.

"So what brings you down this early?" Sam asked.

"What are you talking about?"

"Sam means to say, you don't get up this early."

"Okay, maybe I had a really good night sleep. And decided to not wait my usually time to leave." That was clearly a lie, but they didn't need to know that.

"Fine, if you say so." I eyed Jamie. She didn't buy it.

"Have you guys seen Jeremy?"
They both shook their head showing off big smiles.

I rolled my eyes at them, as I saw him come up the stairs. He walked down the hall towards his locker, and stop to see me staring.

They turn to see what I saw. "You know you have to tell him one day or another." I instantly turned my head at her words.

"How did you know? Did Sam tell you?" She shook her head.

"It was pretty obvious. And besides I know you don't want to be just friends."

"Please tell me you didn't tell him."

"Relax, your one of my best friends. I wouldn't do something like that." I sighed in relief. Thank god.

"We should go. Tell us what happens later." Sam pushed her away, and they began their conversations again.

Here it goes. I walked over to him as he open his locker. Here goes nothing.

"Hey." I could feel my heart beating faster and faster as every second I waited for him to say something passed.

"What?" He turned his eyes to me. And raised an eyebrow.

"I think we need to talk about..."

"Look. I get it, your in love with me. It's okay."

I paused, with a stunned face. Did he really just say that? Or I'm I dreaming or something?

"Hey, it's okay. As long as you know I want to be friends."

"What are you talking about?"

"I over heard your conversation. And I just knew it was a matter of time."

"How could you have heard are conversation. We were like 10 feet away."

"You just proved it to me." He whispered into my ear.

And then I got it. He tricked me into telling him what actually happened.

Stupid, stupid, stupid little me.

I sighed, "are you programmed to be a jerk, or is this just you?"

"Hey don't hate the player hate the game. It's cute though. Besides your not the only one to fall for my good looks." He winked at me.

Again who the hell did he think he was. He took out some books out of his bag and put them in his locker.

He was more arrogant then I thought he was. More confident, like he was a whole different person.

Then again, that would explain everything. The way he releases me when Sam came alone. This winks, his smirk, his way of doing everything basically.

"I'm guessing that you..."

"Stop it right there Mr. I'm so important. Get off you freaking high horse and see your reality as everyone else see it."

"And what would that be?"

"A piece of poop."

"You mean shit?"

I nodded rolling my eyes at him. "It's the same thing."

"Okay then. Let's play a game."

What are we, in preschool?

"And that would be?"

"I haven't decided yet, but when I do. You're going to lose. I'm pretty sure of it, you know. I always win. People just don't seem to get that."

I can't believe the way he was talking. All calm and cool as if he didn't just show me what he really was. And I'm guessing he's happy with that.

"Lets see about that!" I stomped away, with hatred about to play out. I can't believe I liked him. He's so full of himself that he can't possibly see what's right there. If this is who he really was, then I can't be apart of that. I won't be.

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