Chapter 19

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Jeremy POV

It seems like life has a sneaky way of showing that its in control.

And right now, I was a hot mess. I kissed her after I said everything.

I told myself that this wouldn't happen, that it shouldn't happen. And now here I stand at her door on a Sunday morning like a crazy person.

When the door opened her father stood at the door. His wife face turned hard.

"She's not here if your wondering."

"I'm sorry, but I really need to talk to her."

He arched his eyebrow and proceeded to slam the door right in my face.

Where could she be. It was 10 in the morning and I knew she wouldn't be ready since she always goes to church.

But then maybe she's avoiding me. That makes much more sense.

I walked down to my house with my pockets in my hand and decide to call someone, anyone. And the only person that I could call was Jess.

Now Jess and I started talking a few weeks ago, and he seemed really cool. Not in the I know everything way, but in the secretive way.

I panicked as I pushed the send messages, since we don't really talk out of school. But the good thing was he replied.

I felt a little bit of tension release as soon as he said, "what's up?"

I blurted out what I had done, and what I felt like.

"I kissed her, and now I'm confused."

"Hold up, you kissed who?"

"I kissed Casey. And now I'm confused."

"Okay dude, I'm coming over."

I lay on my bed awaiting what could be my new fate, my new life.

10 minutes pass as a ring brought me quickly to the ground.

I ran downstairs to see him standing there in front of my mom. He wore his long blond hair in a bun, and he wore his glasses over his dark green eyes.

"I'm here to see Jeremy. " he said pointing at me.

My mom turned to face me and pushed him inside, as she ran to the kitchen.

I would ask why she was so quick to the kitchen, but I had more important things to deal with.

We walked up the stairs not saying a word until I had slammed shut my door.

"Dude, you okay?"

"I have no idea." I whispered loud enough for him to hear.

"Okay how was your 'hangout' thought?" He put the words hangout in air quotes.

"Well I brought food,and we watched a comedy."

"That's all?" He eyes me as I began to scratch my head.

"It was like..."


"Like a date...sort of."

"And you're wonder why you're feeling this."

"Ya, I don't now what to think of this."

"Let me spell it out for you.
L.O.V.E. Your in love."

I pushed passed him and sat at my desk and began to google search what the definitely of love was because I wasn't it.

"Look, see I'm not."

"Oh yeah, listen to google." He rolled his eyes and laid on my bed. "Do you have any thing to eat?"

I shrugged my shoulders,"I think we have some pizza rolls, sausage though."

"Cool. I'll go check." He left the room as I stayed in my thoughts. I could be imaging all of this.

She could actually be where she always is, while I'm here acting like a complete idiot.

I took out my phone to text her.

"Hey." I waited for a good 2 minutes before giving up. She wasn't going to answer.

Why? I mean all that happen was a kiss, no big deal. We could still be friends if that's what she wanted to be.

Jess came back empty handed. I really wanted those rolls.

"What happened?"

"Your mom decided to order pizza." He answered.

"What type?"


I nodded my head, and turned back to the screen.

"Jeremy maybe you should tell her."

Quickly I turned around to his suggestion. "Tell her what?" I eyed him, hoping he wouldn't bring up those words again.

"Tell her you like her, and be done with whatever this is. Is clear you guys like each other, so stop being babies."

"You didn't think I won't tell her?"

"Yeah, I don't. If you think this stupid bet is going to work then your..I don't know. Listen I know you've only been here for like a few months and all, but this is Casey were talking about. She's different."

I stopped him right there. "I don't care about the stupid bet. I just did that to get closer to her."

"And it worked. But don't you see where I'm going."

I shake my head.

Jess sigh, walking over and slapping me. "Just ask her out on a real date before someone else does, okay?"

I walked back rubbing my face. What's up with people in this school? They seriously know how to hit hard.

"Dude, I'm sorry I was just trying to get you thinking straight."

"Yeah some help it did there."

Jess walked over to my bed, and laid there comfortable. "Just do it before Aaron does it. Because everyone know he likes her, even she does."

He was right. After all if this, my mom screamed about the pizza. We rushed downstairs and just watched a movie.

Tomorrow, well I have to tell her before its too late. I just hope I don't screw it like all the other times.
So he's finally going to tell her?
What do you guys think of Jess technique?
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