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The moment they all have been waiting for, was soon to pass. The tears that fell down her cheek were tears of happiness, as she took a deep breath.

The doors slowly opened and the tears fell. She walked down the aisle as the tears were ruining her makeup, but that didn't matter.

What matter the most right now was the look on his face, the look that made her know that all of this was worth it. The pain, the heartache, and now the wait, it was all worth it.

She moved her hand to her lips as she sigh heavily not leaving his sight.

This was it. This was the beginning of her new life.

She moved her hand to her eyes, and wiped away the tears, as he whispered the words "I love you."

He gave her a smile that made her lose her track. She stopped mid way, and he looked back at her scared.

All he could think about was what she was going to do next. All he could do was hope. The thought that she would look at him and say that she couldn't do this wouldn't leave his mind, but then she walked.

She moved towards him, as the seated people started murmuring about what was going to happen next.

She took another step, and trips, but she caught herself before she could be anywhere near the ground. He laughs a little, but that was before he looked down. He whispered to his best man, "she's all mine." And she knew.

She gave her flower to her best friend since the beginning of freshman year of high school. The last one left, and looked back at her soon to be husband.

The look on his face couldn't be described, but by the word love. He was in love with this girl, and now was the moment. The moment he waited for to make her his, their wedding day.

He took her hands in his, and rubbed them slowly. He watched as the tears that she tried to hold, fall upon her cheeks. She tried to bring her finger to wipe them away again, but he beat her to it. He moved closer to her, as her eyes brighten under the bright lights from above.

The room fell silent as they stared into each other's eyes for they were the only two in the whole world. For this moment that lived.

"Do you Jeremy Taylor Winchester take Casey Yvonne Olu as your lovely wedded wife. To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health." He nods his head, and says the words, "yes, I do." Without breaking from her.

"Do you Casey Yvonne Olu take Jeremy Taylor Winchester as your lovely wedded husband. To love and to cherish, in sickness and in health."

She takes a deep breath, and gives a wide smile, "I do."

"With the power vested in me, I now pronounced you husband and wife." With that it was official. Everyone jumped up, and clapped. This was it. They waited the 8 years plus the 2 now to make sure, and now they knew.

"You may now kiss the bride." He moved quickly, dropping her hands. He placed his hand on her head, as she grabbed his waist. They walked down the steps all out the church.

At the ceremony, Jamie, her main of honour walked away to the bathroom, soon to follow Jess, the best man.

He followed her at a pace that wouldn't be suspicion. When he reached the bathroom, he pounced on her. Jess pressed his lips on Jamie's and she kissed back. The secret that they liked each other was still a secret, well for them to think.

Casey walked in with Jeremy, as their best friends continued at each other like a pack of wholes on new meat. Love might really be in the air.

Instantly Jamie jumped off Jess, as he tried to kiss her back. He turned around and saw what she had saw.

"I guess the secrets out."

"My friend it's been out." Jeremy tells them. "I called it. Pay up." He tells Casey. She rolls her eyes, trying to hide the smile that was showing, and walked out.

"You guys made a bet?" Jamie asked.

"Well that is our thing, isn't it?" Jeremy walks out filling accomplished. From the moment he saw Casey he wanted her to fall for him, but he never expected to fall for her.

He never expected to see her again. He never expected a lot of things, but that was a good thing. It just proved to him what he really wanted.

Aaron walked over giving Jeremy a big handshake. "It took you long enough."

"Thank you." Aaron stood there confused.

"What for?"

"For everything. For the whole thing with telling her, and basically helping me realized how stupid I was."

"That's why I'm, here."

"Yeah don't get used to it. It's a one time thing." He walked away patting Aaron's back.

Now all that waited was the future. He walked over to his newly wedded wife, and kissed her on the cheek.

"Are you ready?"

"For what?" she asked him as he wrapped his hands around her waist.

"For this!" he picked her up, as she laughed loudly.

This was their happy ending, their fairytale ending.


I would like to thank everyone that continued to read it all the way to the end. This is for your guys.

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