Chapter 20

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Jeremy POV

We haven't talked to each other in a while.

It's been 4 days since the kiss, and she hadn't said a word to be about anything.

In class she finds anyway and anything to leave, or ignore me like I wasn't there, so I left her again.

Every single time, she has to play this game that I don't want to play. I know I'm the master and all, but come on.

It's not like we killed a man or something. We just had a kiss, and I just thought that there was something different from all the others I had, something different about her.

I guess not.

I was determined to find out after school why she was acting the way she did. And then maybe we can open a new chapter in our relationship.

Even if she pushes me aside, I was determine yo get to the end of this. If she didn't want one, then at least can I get my friend back.

So after school, I drove home, since she had photography, and when the time that she was about to leave came, I waited at the door. Now she couldn't ignored me, especially with her friends along her side.

It was pretty cold outside, so I sneaked inside. She would instantly see me, but hey, I could follow her.

Now I sound like a lost puppy dog, but that's what she made me do. She made me into this.

I could hear her voice from upstairs, because she was singing really loud. I don't know if it's a song she made, or if it's actually a song. All I know is that she is singing pretty loud, and I like it.

When she walks out the door, I follow her closely behind.

I softly whispered into her ear. "Hey."

She jumps and forms her hands in a position to fight me, until she sees who it is. Then she relaxes. Jamie and Sam laughed at her reaction, mainly since they were in on it.

"Oh, hey."

"Oh, hey really. That what I get?" My voice begins to get higher.

Sam and Jamie leave quickly, not trying to interfere with soon to be over talk if she keeps giving me 1 sentences response. As I walked with her to a tree far way from the school building.

"What did I do?" The nerve on this women.

"How about avoiding me for the pass few days! I had to ask Jamie how to get  to you." I said walking closer and closer to her body.

"Why would you need Jamie?"

"Because you wouldn't talk to me!" I took a deep breath, and walked back to give her some space.

"Just tell me what I did, so I can think in peace, because I can't stand knowing your mad at me."

"I'm not mad at you." I raised an eyebrow.

"Really then why haven't you talked to me?"

"Because...." You could tell that she was thinking of a good excuse until I moved closer to her, eyes in a match.

"That!" She yelled.

"What's that?"

"I can't do this okay!"

"What are you talking about?"

She turns her body and starts heading towards the train. I ran after her.

"Casey, what are you talking about?" I reached over to grab her hand, and she pulled it away turning her body to mine. There was barely any space between us as her words sting in my heart.

"I can't date you."

I tried to play it off, making it seem like I didn't want this. But from that very moment I knew I wanted her. I knew that I lose this, and that she had won.

"Why would we go out? You said it yourself, we're just friends." Here it goes, my mouth has run away with me again saying things I wish not to. It was the opposite.

Here I was ready to tell her how I felt, and then she opens her mouth and crushes any good response.

She stared at me as her eyes started watery. She was about to cry. Knowing her well enough, she wouldn't dare do it in public.

She placed a fake smile that hide her true feelings and said, "Guess everything goes back to normal then."

I nodded hoping she could see the lies in my eyes.

She didn't.

Instead she headed towards the train, and stupid me watched her.

"I could drive you home!" She faces me, and shakes her head. And for a split second I could see a tear fall down on the side of her  face.

"I think it's better if I go. It would just be awkward."

As she left, I watched her. I laid on my car and watched her move her body, and turn the corner with a wave that she never return.
Their relationship is becoming more, and more complicated. What do you guys think?
Should he had just told her no matter what?

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