Chapter 7

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Look at me, I said I wouldn't do it, but here I was.

Here I was staring at him through the side of my eyes. And today, he's making it hard not to.

He's dress all... different.

I mean he looked like something that came out of a magazine, even though he was wearing the school shirt. It was a black school shirt with solid black pants, and he wore a grey bennie. When he sat down next to me in math, I couldn't help but stare.

I think he saw me glance every second that I could possibly because he started smiling like crazy.

"You know its not polite to stare." He finally said.

"What?" I asked.

"Why are you staring at me."

"I'm not staring at you. You're staring at me."

He moved his hand and started scratching his black hair. He tried to hold back his smile, by covering his mouth.

"Hey! Can you guys shut up?" We turn to give Susan an ugle look. She's so bossy. No one cares. All we're doing is waiting for Mr. S to load his computer. Jeremy turned to me and rolled his eyes at her.

"Don't pay attention to her."

"Like I was going to." he rolled his eyes at me.

And like that, the conversation that was about to start, ended. And then I sit there all confused because I have no idea what to do. Its like he's sensitive or something.

I turn to Aaron for help, but he doesn't look at me. He turns instantly when he sees me.

Now I have to sit here for the next 20 minutes until the bell rang.


20 minutes later:

I'm walking into my history class and Jamie tapping me really hard on the seat next to her.

"Casey, hurry up!" she whispered really loud. I walked really fast towards her, telling her to shush.

"What up?" I asked.

She sigh, " I've been texting you all weekend. Where were you?"

I decide not to tell her the truth. "I was catching up on my sleep."

"Oh, well I have something to tell you. You might be mad, but I don't what you to continue thinking it could happen."

"What are you talking about?" She making me nervous. I hope it's nothing serious.

"Well Jeremy doesn't date black girls."

I looked at her confused. Was that serious it?

She made it sound like something bad had happen.

"Is that all? Because I thought that was pretty obvious." oh dear god its coming out.

"Really, thank god! I didn't know how you would handle something like that."

"I'm not going to jump off a bridge because of a guy. Come on Jamie you should know me."

She sat there confused. I didn't even believe what I was saying either.

But I wasn't going to do that. I feel like if I cry over a guy, then I have officially hit rock bottom.

"You sure?" She asked.

I nodded.

"Okay then, if you say so." Like let's be realistic. A part of me knew it. And then a part of me already knew it wasn't going to happen, so no big deal right.

No hearts broken.

No hard feelings.

I mean were not together or anything. All we ever did was hang out at the mall, and that was by accident. We weren't even alone! We talked about stuff, and did stuff. No big deal, nothing special.

Jamie sat there staring at me to make sure I didn't crack. To see if I really was mad about it, but nothing. I said nothing and that's what it means.

Were just going to be friends and that's all.

She leaned in seeing I was in my deep thoughts. "I'm sorry."

"Okay now you need to go. I said I'm fine and that's what it means. We're just friends. And good friends at that."

Just good friends.
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