Chapter 14

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Casey POV

Is it me, or are things just getting weird between Jeremy and I.

I'm at home packing my bages, because we're moving. And I don't mean out of the state, I mean like down the block or something.

All I know is that I'm going to be closer to school.

I pack up the remaining things, and wave good bye to my room, that took me like forever to paint. The hole in the wall that I cause when I got really upset. And every thing else.

"Casey are you ready!" My dad screamed. "We'll about to leave you!"

"Coming dad!" I rolled my eyes at what he said. They wouldn't dare, wait ...they would. And off course, come back a few minutes later, hoping I learn my lesson on being on time.

I rush down with the last box of my stuff in my hand.

"Someone ready." My mom chuckled.

"Well ya, can't have a repeat of what happen last time can we?" I looked straight at my dad, "right dad."

He threw his hand up in defeat. " Hey it was your mum idea."

This family is crazy.

I walked down to the car where my older bother John is already in the car, listening to his music really loud. And rapping to it, even though he can't rap or sing.

I pushed him aside and plugged in my headphones as well.

Goodbye old house, good bye.

Jeremy p.o.v

My mom is jumping up and down in excitement when she sees the new neighbour's pull in to their drive way.

"Jeremy get off that video game, and come meet them! There almost at their door!" She yelled from the kitchen.

Seriously I don't even know why she in there anyway. All she doing is making it look like she cooked the chocolate cake in her hand. When really our maid did it.

She the flour on her apron, and patted it down. " There, that should do it. What do you think?"

"You look great." I said sarcastically.

She smiled at me, even though she knew I was being sarcastic.

I mean she can cook, it's just today she was really busy. Probably booking my dad's meetings. Haha, she stuck with them now. I can finally relaxe. At least I think so.

"Jeremy Taylor Winchester, get your butt up! We are leaving now!"

I instantly jumped. "Yes mom!"

She gave a smile, and pointed to what I was wearing.

I had on some black basketball ball shorts and a red top.

"Please change the top. You are not going to a game."

I sigh heavly, running upstairs and putting on a black and white shirt. This should keep her quite for a while.

I ran downstairs as my mom opened the door.

"That will have to do."

"Seriously, they're just new neighbour's. We'll be out of here after this school year."

"Until then, please behave nicely. "

"Fine." I rolled my eyes, and shoved my hands into my pockets, walking down with her fake cake.

As she is about to knock on the door, a tall women with her dark brown hair, in a bun open the door.

"Hello?" She didn't look please.

"Hello. We saw you pull in, and wanted to welcome you to the neighbourhood."

The women face eased a little bit. "Okay? Thank you?" Her husband walked passed towards the car, waving to us both.

"This is my son Jeremy, and I'm Lena."

"I'm Suzanne, that's my husband Paul. And my kids seem to not want to leave there rooms. I'll call them." She quickly invites us in and rushes up the stairs.

When she came back, my eyes lit up and my hear beated faster then every. She walked down the stairs until her eyes widen when she saw me.

I gave her a smile, but she just stood there, as her brother ran pass her, almost pushing her to the ground.

"These are my kids. John and Casey. Guys these are the neighbour's."

Casey nodded, walking back to her room. I stood there with a puzzled look. Why did she act like she didn't know me?

It's not my fault she moved here off all places? And it definitely wasn't my fault she had to see me out of school?

Her mom ran upstairs to bring her back and help unpack. I decided to help out.

Casey saw me carrying a box that said books in a really girly handwriting.

"Hey! Don't touch those. There delicate."

"What they're books!"


I placed the books down gently. "Look, I'm here to help. Not ask you 20 questions, I can do that later."

She squinting not feeling the trust, but she nodded in agreement. Probably because her mom was watching us like a hawk.

When we reached her room, I could see posters of bands all over the wall. I mean I never expected us to have similar taste in music.

There was Black Veil Bride, The Killers, and so much more.

"I didn't know you like those types of music. "

"Well there's a lot of things you don't know about me." She places the book on her dresser, and stayed there taking then out 1by one.

"Why are you being hostile?" I asked, as she continued to waste time.

She shook her head. "I'm sorry, I guess this is a lot to take in. I'm actually going to be seeing you ever day now."

I the myself on her bed, crossing my arms behind my head. "Your acting like that's a bad thing. "

"Well it is if we're going to do this."

I got it. She thought I wasn't going to play fair if I'm next door. So I had to make sure this wasn't going to be some things she would regret.

If I'm really honest, I just made it up to dorms time with her. She's different from other girls that I've dated, or even meet even.

"Relax. At the end of this, we'll still be friends."

She looked up at my face, and tried to hide the pain in her eyes by giving me a smile, but it was evident in her voice.

"Of course we will."

They're neighbours,wow!
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