Chapter 38

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I went back to work, and sat thinking about this over and over again.

I get the fact that she was probably sacred that I would leave again, but I'm not ever again.

I want this so much, and she just too scared to let me back in.

I did all this for her to just bluntly tell me that it was better when we were teenagers. If I remember correctly, she accept it then, and now. If she couldn't accept it then what could make her change her mind now.

Me, that's what. I've done so much things to leave it there. With her yelling at me, and finally telling the truth.

Jess came in looking for her, but I told him she wasn't here. He just looked confused at why, so I explained everything to him.

From the whole, I love you, to bring up the past.

"Wow dude that's sad, you get the girl and then she leaves you. Talk about tough luck."

"Yeah, that seems to be the case these few days."

"You know she right though. You should have given her a number or an address or something."

"Yeah I know."

He took a seat, and looked at me with arched eyebrows. "What are you going to do now?"

"I have to get her to accept that she can't keep pushing me away." I just realized that this whole thing made perfect sense that day at the café when she was sitting alone in my favourite table.

"Or here a great idea. Leave now."

"What! I haven't finished..."

"She's way more important than that. I'll handle it. You get your dream girl, and this time. Don't take no for an answer."

"She won't even see me."

"If you annoy her enough, she will. Trust me on that. She doesn't like to cause a scene, so make one."

"Your right. Thanks man!" I ran out my office, as Jess threw my car keys that I left on my table. "Thanks again."

"Go!" He yelled.

When I got to her apartment, I knocked, and shouted hoping she could open her door.

"Casey! Casey come on! I know you're in there!" I was knocking on her apartment door, like a manic.

Her neighbour a tall buff looking guy walked out and shook his head at this sight. I snapped at him. "Take a picture, it fuckin' last longer!"

That was the last straw for her, she quickly opened the door to see who I was shouting out.

"Sorry James." I looked at the guy, and then back at her when she said my name.

"Jeremy." she whispered.

"Casey? Are you going to let me in now because I could do this all week. I wonder who else is leaving or coming back." she rolled her eyes, and let me through.

"I'm only doing this because I don't want you screaming at any more of my neighbours."

"It's not my fault. The guy was staring. I'm pretty sure his mother told him staring isn't polite."

"Neither is screaming at someone."

"I shouted at him. There's a big difference."

She crosses her arm, and asked, "Why are you here?"

I made a face at her. Like she didn't just walk away from me, after kissing me and finally telling me the truth. The real truth as to what she felt.

"You're in love with me." She turned her face away from me, dropping her arms. "I find that the best thing I could do is take you out on a real date. A date that only you and I are going to be at."

"Look Jeremy..."

I shushed her. "It's free food. A bouquet of food. Plus you're right. I said it first and I hurt you."

She sigh. "Foods not going to change 8 years of pain."

"I know, but it's a start."

She walked over to her couch, and plopped down. I walked behind her, and sat across from her. She didn't even look at me. I get it.

I walked over to her, and grabbed her hand. And for once, she didn't fight it, she didn't fight me.

I sat right there next to her. Reaching over, I pulled her over for a hug. She clenches my shoulder, hurting it. But that didn't matter.

Letting out little squeaks, I pushed her closer to me, which was impossible. There was literally no space between her and me anymore.

She released herself from our hug. Her face inches from my face, and all I could stare at was her eyes. Her brown eyes seem to sparkle as she leaned in towards me.

The pace she was taking was slow, but I couldn't. I had to have her right there, and then. I pushed my lips onto her, and moved with hers. I raised my hand to her hair, and massaged it.

She reached down, tugging on my shirt asking to take it off.

I pulled away from her with curious eyes. "Are you sure?"

She gave me a peck on the lips, and smiled at me. "I've never been so sure in my life."

"I don't want to make it seem like I only came here to have one thing. We can take it slow."

She gave me another peck. "Jeremy..."

"I'm serious. I'll wait." I slowly moved back.

"I've waited 8 years for this."


"Jeremy... shut up."

I grinned at her, and continued at where we stopped at. Helping her take my shirt of, she took hers off too. I ran my finger around her body, examining it. Everything was perfect, she was perfect.

She placed her hand on my body, feeling my abs, never leaving my eyes. Every stroke she took, she moved in closer. Her eyes seemed to hypnotize me as the seconds pass, but I had to make sure.


"Don't think about it." She whispered in my ear. Her breath tinkles my ear, sending little shivers to me.

"But Casey..."

"What is it?" she pulls away from my body and slouches her back, tiring get attention from me. "Do you not want to have sex with me?"

Quickly, I reached for her hands. I cup them in mine, and leave little kisses. "That's not at all it. Trust me I want this more than you could ever imagine."

"Then what is it?"

I looked elsewhere. "Do you want it?"

"How many times do I have to say yes?"

I pulled her face to mine, "because I don't want to wake up with you saying that this was a mistake."

"Trust me. I almost married a guy because he looked like you. That's not going to happen." I smiled at her, and pressed my lips on hers.

She reached down and unbuckles my belt, helping me to slide out of my pants; I do the same to her.

I pick her up, as she wraps her legs around my waist, and carry her to her room. The whole time, I never left her lips.

And the rest was, well... "History."


So they finally did the deed. And they're finally together!

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