Chapter 23

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Casey POV

So today was the big night. I waited for Sam to get me. We were going together. After I decide not to go to the spring dance with Aaron after he was starting to piss me of a lot.

He kept bugging me about when I was going to tell him, so I told him no.

Since he wants to not let me be, he can go with someone else. I mean its not like I like him anyway.

I wanted to go with Jeremy, but apparently he's going with that girl that asked him. That's what Aaron told me.

So here I was waiting for Sam to hurry up, and pick me up.

When she got here, she gave me a big hug and told my mom she'll have me back by 11. As if she was my date. Well she was really.

"Mom don't worry. I'll be back before you know it. "

"Okay, but I'll be back home by 10, so if anything happens, call me. Me and your Father will leave, and come home as soon as possible. "

I thanked her. Nothing was going to happen. At least I don't think so.

When we got there, the dance was lit. Like everyone was having too much fun.

I walked over to Jamie, and she started twirling me around. Looking at my midnight blue dress that was fluffy up to my knee.

After a while of dancing, he walked in. No one was on his hand, but a drink in his hand.

He looked my way, and turned around shaking his head.

I just rolled my eyes. He should probably go back to this date, or whatever. Wherever she was.

Jeremy POV

I looked at my self through the mirror, and talked to myself.

I looked good, real good.

I went to my bed and grabbed my phone, but my mother stopped me to take some pictures.

"Mom! You'll see me later."

"Well not in a tux. This is the first time, so let me be." I rolled my eyes, as I stood there as she took multiple shots of me.

"Okay, I'm going now." I waves goodbye, and walked next door to Casey's house.

After I found put she said no to Aaron. I was thrilled. I thought since we made that pact, that I would be going with her.

When I got to her house the most unbelievable things happen. I got to her house, and no one was there. The girl that I thought would wait for me, wasn't there.

Where could she be?

No one was home, so I left. Maybe she went with him after all. I'm just the loser that got stood up.

I drove down to the dance. I mean it was my first and last, besides I might see her in that dress she picked out.

She told me the only way I could see her in that dress that she showed me the other day was if I went. And that's exactly what I was going to do.

At the dance everyone couldn't stand still. They all moves like there was no tomorrow, we'll for me there isn't.

I went to get a drink, when I see that girl that asked me early. She was with a friend, and gave me a friendly smile. Even though I rejected her.

I'm glad to see she doesn't keep grueses. I was so tempted  to have fun with her, but it just didn't feel right.

When I turned around, I saw her. She dances in her little spot as Isudden sipped my drink.

I shook my head when she rolled her eyes at me. She should probably go back to her date anyway.

Aaron wouldn't like that anyway.

She walked over to me, and tried to talk to me. But let's be realistic. I wasn't in the talking mood.

Here she was with another guy and now she wants to talk to me.

"Jeremy why won't you talk to me?"

"Funny this conversation sounds so familiar." I said referring to that time I tried to talk to her after her photography.

"What up with you?"

"Maybe because your here with Aaron. The douche bag. " She rolled her eyes at me. She really loves doing that at inappropriate times.

"I'm not here with Aaron. I'm here with Sam."

I immediately looked up at her wide eye. "So your not here with Aaron. I thought..."

"Nope. I'm here with Sam. So where's your date."

"My date?" I looked at her confused.

"Yeah the girl that asked you here."

"Oh, her. I didn't take her. I was going to take you..." I was going to say something, but she stopped me.

"Can we talk outside, like at the field?" She asked me.


"This is important. " I nodded and followed her.

When we got to the field, she looked at me, and asked me the questions that that I wish she didn't ask.

"Why don't you like me?"

What do you guys thing is about to happen?

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